How to Tell If a Cut or Scrape is Infected?

July 20, 2024

During the summer months, it is important to spend time outdoors while the weather is nice. Although playing outside is great, the chances of experiencing a minor injury like a cut or a scrape while outdoors are higher than indoors. If you suffer an injury outdoors, it is important to know how to treat it so that you can avoid developing an infection. Gravel, sand and other debris can get embedded in minor injuries and ...

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What is Swimmer’s Ear?

July 20, 2024

Spending time in pools and at the beach is the best part of the summer season. Although laying in the sun and going for a quick dip may not pose any real danger, exposing your ear canals to water too much can increase your risk of developing an ear infection. Swimmer’s ear is a common type of bacterial ear infection that develops due to water getting stuck inside the ear canal. It can cause ...

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Are Ear Infections Contagious?

June 14, 2024

Ear infections can affect anyone and can be extremely painful. There are many different kinds of ear infections and many different things that can lead to ear infections. This can sometimes make it difficult to self-diagnose an ear infection. If you are experiencing symptoms of an ear infection, seeking early medical treatment can allow you to start treatment early and prevent the infection from worsening. AFC Urgent Care North Bergen is available to provide rapid ...

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How to Treat a Sunburn

June 5, 2024

During the summer months, the sun is at its strongest. The sun is also out for a long longer each day, increasing your overall sun exposure. While the warm weather is inviting to a variety of outdoor activities, it is always important to take precautions to prevent sunburns. If you do suffer a sunburn, knowing the correct steps to take to soothe a sunburn can make your recovery process much more comfortable. If you suffer ...

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Early Signs of Lyme Disease

May 30, 2024

Lyme disease is a serious bacterial infection that is most commonly associated with bites from ticks. The risk of contracting Lyme disease is highest during the spring and summer months. Outdoor activities including sports, hiking, or just going on a walk can potentially expose you to a tick. In this article, we will discuss the early signs of Lyme disease and when to head to a medical center if you think you may have suffered ...

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Should You Get STD Tested Every Year?

May 30, 2024

There are many benefits to getting STD/STI tests, however, understanding how often you should be getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases can be confusing. Sexually transmitted infections do not always have visible symptoms, and can actually be transmitted in other ways such as by sharing food or drinks with someone who may not know they are carrying an STD. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of annual STD/STI testing, how often ...

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How to Tell Whether You're Sneezing Due to Allergies or Because You're Sick

April 30, 2024

If you suffer from allergies, spring can mark the beginning of a challenging season. Allergens such as pollen and dust tend to begin affecting those with spring allergies in early March, and depending on your specific allergies, can last through the summer and fall seasons. Allergies can cause a variety of symptoms, however, it can be difficult to determine if your symptoms are caused by allergies or something else because allergy symptoms can look a ...

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Does Norovirus Spread Through the Air?

April 30, 2024

During the early spring months, there are a variety of illnesses that are circulating. When you have an upset stomach, it can be easy to automatically think food poisoning. However, there are a variety of different conditions which can cause you to have an upset stomach. Identifying what exactly is causing your symptoms can be difficult without a medical diagnosis. Norovirus is a gastrointestinal virus that causes severe symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea. Learn more ...

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Do You Need X-Ray Services to Diagnose Whiplash?

April 26, 2024

Whiplash, a neck injury from sudden movements, is often diagnosed through physical exams and medical history. While X-rays help rule out fractures, they may not detect soft tissue damage. For a comprehensive evaluation, including thorough exams and personalized treatment, visit AFC North Bergen NJ

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Why Is it Better to Go to Urgent Care and Not the Hospital?

April 15, 2024

Urgent care centers are an affordable alternative to hospital ERs for non-life-threatening conditions. They offer extended hours, a wide range of services, and shorter wait times. Consider urgent care for minor injuries, common illnesses, or when your doctor isn't available.

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