How Stress Affects Your Health

April 28, 2022

The human race cannot escape getting stressed at some point in their lifetime. But what happens if it keeps occurring? Will the brain manage the situation appropriately? It all depends on the stress, particularly if it’s not a chronic one. If a positive force triggers stress, it usually leads to improved performance. But when unwanted situations strain you, especially getting stuck in traffic, it’s a negative force. AFC Urgent Care North Bergen wants ...

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Common Nutrition Mistakes

April 5, 2022

Nutrition is a vital part of everyday life, and what we eat affects energy, mood, and weight. It isn’t always easy to know what to eat, and it can be just as hard to find reliable information. There are a few common mistakes that people regularly make that hinder their efforts at healthy nutrition. The health of our community is our main priority at AFC North Bergen. Learn more about nutrition today and visit ...

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Can I Bring my Child to Urgent Care?

April 5, 2022

Children require constant attention and care. They encounter so many new experiences as they grow; it’s always a question of what the next day will bring. It is common for children to contact germs that lead to a cold or stomach bug. Children frequently fall and obtain various bumps, scrapes, and other injuries. There is no planned schedule for these mishaps, and it’s never known when one will require an unplanned visit to ...

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Do I Have Mono?

February 23, 2022

Popularly called the kissing disease, infectious mononucleosis is an infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). It is a human herpesvirus 4 and one of the common viruses found in humans. Mono is popular amongst teenagers and young adults, especially high school and college students, and it has been statically reported that 25% of teenagers infected with the Epstein-Barr virus get mononucleosis. AFC Urgent Care North Bergen provides mono testing and treatment for patients. Our ...

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Effects of Cold Weather on your Health

February 23, 2022

As the temperature becomes colder in most parts of the world, one must adequately adjust to frost, snow, and cold. With temperatures dropping as low as -13°F in places like Alaska, adapting might to this weather condition might be tasking as one begins to be wary of the possible health effects it can cause. Although the human body was not designed to live in cold and polar regions, it has developed several mechanisms to ...

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Ways to Improve Your Health Daily

January 31, 2022

You can maintain good health as you've always wanted to. Staying healthy is a smart choice when you know that every other affair depends on it. Right then, when you choose good health and realize how essential it is, then make it your top priority. There's more to sound health than it sounds like. Good health gives you a level of immunity from certain infections, and you can become resistant to certain opportunistic ...

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Can I Visit AFC Urgent Care for a Broken Wrist?

January 31, 2022

We all know how uncomfortable and unproductive a broken wrist can make one be. The pain is definitely not something anyone wishes to experience again. A broken wrist is usually accompanied by pain, bleeding, and other unbearable symptoms. There are several types of a broken wrist, just like a broken bone. These types of broken wrists include: Open or compound broken wrist: Here, the wrist bones are exposed and accompanied by wounds that probably led ...

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What are some potential long-term effects from COVID?

January 19, 2022

When COVID-19 first started making the news in March of 2020, one of the major unanswered questions involved potential long-term symptoms. Now, almost two years later, we have more insight into the virus and more answers to the uncertainty. In most cases of COVID, patients are fully recovered within ten days of their symptoms. However, some cases, even mild ones, have symptoms weeks to months later. AFC Urgent Care North Bergen provides COVID-19 testing to ...

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What are Signs of a Concussion?

January 19, 2022

Concussions are common among children, but they can occur in adults in some instances. Even the most “mild” of concussions are very serious and should be treated as such. Concussions can occur when there is trauma to the head. They can also occur if the body is hit so hard it causes the head the jolt back and forth. Concussions are when the brain bumps around in the skull. While more severe concussions should be ...

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Should I Get a COVID Booster Shot?

November 30, 2021

As the Delta variant and new Omicron variant continue to spread, debates, conversations, and questions about a COVID booster shot heat up. COVID-19 guidance changes with new developments as learning are associated with COVID-19 and vaccination continues. This can leave people confused, skeptical, and even fearful. Vaccine booster shots are anything but new, and from the get-go, scientists alluded to the fact that boosters would probably be necessary for the near future. It’s a ...

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