Tips for Staying Healthy this Winter

January 22, 2021

" Winter is full of illnesses that can transfer from person to person all season. Adding COVID into the mix, it is more important now than ever to take small steps to remain healthy. AFC Urgent Care North Bergen offers all patients comprehensive medical care to ensure you feel your best all the time. Visit us today for a diagnosis of any illness. Avoid Common Health Risks It can seem obvious, but avoiding specific health risks ...

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What Causes Eczema?

January 22, 2021

" Eczema is a skin condition that causes patches of skin to be itchy and red. In some severe cases, the skin can also crack or start to bleed. There are a few factors that cause eczema, but overall, exposure to dry, cold air is the main cause. AFC Urgent Care North Bergen offers treatment for different illnesses and injuries. Visit us today to start living a healthier life. Symptoms of Eczema Cases of eczema vary ...

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Do I Have a Sinus Infection?

December 30, 2020

" Sinus infections, also known as sinusitis, can feel like a stuffy nose that just will not go away. They are most commonly caused from other viruses and are more annoying than they are harmful. AFC Urgent Care North Bergen can offer diagnosis and information about treating sinus infections for all members of the family. What are symptoms of a sinus infection? As the name implies, a sinus infection happens when fluid builds up in your ...

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Flu Symptoms in Babies and Children

December 17, 2020

" Babies and children are constantly putting things in their mouth or touching their faces. There is no way to avoid this, so the only thing you can do is be prepared when they get sick. AFC Urgent Care North Bergen can provide you with the symptoms and potential treatments for your little one before bringing them to the doctors. We offer a variety of services for all family members. Learn more about those services here ...

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Which Medical Risk Factors Are Associated With COVID-19?

November 15, 2020

" You may have heard that people with certain underlying medical conditions have an increased risk for catching COVID and/or having a more severe case. If you’re not sure if you’re at a higher risk, read on for more information about which risk factors are associated with COVID-19. Why Are There Risks? The COVID-19 infection can sometimes be quite severe in even ordinarily healthy people, but for those with additional health issues, the ...

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What is a Rapid COVID-19 Test?

November 15, 2020

" As scientists and medical researchers continue to study the COVID-19 virus, they’ve been able to make significant progress in testing and detection. Recently, a rapid COVID test has been developed to increase efficiency in diagnosing and controlling the spread of the illness. Here’s everything you need to know about rapid COVID-19 testing. Why Is There a Rapid COVID-19 Test? As the need for testing has continued to grow globally, developing a rapid test ...

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Everything You Need to Know About COVID-19 in Children

October 26, 2020

" Learning about COVID-19 has been an ongoing challenge for most of 2020. Even though researchers haven’t developed a successful vaccine yet, they have learned a lot of helpful information about how COVID-19 affects different groups of people. For parents, knowing how COVID-19 may impact their child is a big concern. Let’s discuss the latest information from the CDC about COVID-19 in children. Can Children Get COVID-19? Yes, children can get COVID-19. The number ...

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When Should I Go to Urgent Care with a Cold?

October 2, 2020

" During the cold and flu season, it can be challenging to determine what you can treat at home and what may require a visit to a medical clinic. You will probably feel miserable with the symptoms that come along with the flu, but you can usually treat your symptoms while at home. If your symptoms are not properly treated, or if they are getting worse instead of getting better, the right answer is usually medical ...

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What Happens During a School Physical?

August 5, 2020

" The school year is only weeks away from beginning, and while local school districts may be putting together plans for how schooling will function, your child will still need an updated physical on file with the nurse. Physicals are required each year from kindergarten through the first year of college and must be put on file within 30 days of the first day of school. What is a school physical? A school physical is performed ...

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3 Ways to Improve Your Safety While Riding a Bicycle

July 29, 2020

" Riding a bicycle is a great way to get exercise while having fun and enjoying the fresh air, but it can also lead to some painful accidents and injuries. luckily, it isn’t hard to take steps to improve your safety and lower your risk of injury while riding a bicycle. Check out these 3 easy ways to improve your safety while riding a bicycle.    Get the Right Bike    A bicycle that is too big ...

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