The Importance of Counting Your Macros

June 20, 2019

" Trying to lose weight and achieve a healthier lifestyle is no easy task. Many people turn to calorie counting. The belief is that if you create a calorie deficit by eating less than you burn, you’ll lose weight. While that may be true, that doesn’t mean it’s healthy! You can create a calorie deficit even while eating incredibly unhealthy foods. You may lose weight, but you won’t be getting any fitter ...

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The Importance of Sending Your Kids to Summer Camp

June 20, 2019

" Making a choice to send your child away during the summer is difficult. For many children, summer camp is the first time they’re actually away from their parents. While that may be a scary thought for children and parents alike, there are plenty of reasons why sending your child to summer camp is essential. Letting Your Child be Independent Summer camp is a time when children can find themselves. With no parents there to ...

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What Parents Should Know about Sport and Camp Physicals

May 18, 2019

" Sport and camp physicals are also important exams to ensure your child is healthy and safe whenever they participate in any physical recreation. These  exams help children determine if they are healthy to participate in school sports, summer camp, and similar programs. Additionally, an updated physical helps coaches, counselors, and other relevant recreational staff flag potential health issues during activity. So what should parents know about sport and camp physicals? What should you do to ...

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Spring Diet

April 29, 2019

" It is the end of April and spring is finally here! Warmer weather has a positive effect on our bodies and can lead to people wanting to be more proactive and social! However, in the colder seasons, it is reasonable to have put on a couple of pounds here or there. If you are exercising consistently, but notice you are not getting the results you want, your diet may be the next thing you have ...

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What's causing your Spring Allergies

April 29, 2019

" April is here, and it has brought spring with it! Spring is a lovely time of year, warmer weather, happier people, and the start of outdoor activities! Unfortunately, for many people, spring is also the start of allergies. Allergies can prove to be extremely annoying and sometimes painful for those who are trying to enjoy the beautiful weather outside. AFC Urgent Care North Bergen is here to give you some advice so you can enjoy ...

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National Nutrition Month

March 22, 2019

" 2019 is the first year that will be home to national nutrition month! Just like the name suggests, that’s a whole month dedicated to sharing knowledge and tips towards healthy nutrition habits. The goal of this is to help the public become more in tune with what they’re putting into their bodies, what they actually need, and how to make those two things work together in their day to day life! Reading Labels ...

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National Kidney Month

March 22, 2019

" Did you know March is National Kidney Month? This month we want to shed some light kidney disease risks, symptoms, and diagnosis. It’s also important to remember all the ways your kidneys work to keep your body happy and healthy! Let’s dive right in so you can learn precisely what national kidney month is all about. What Do Your Kidneys Do? Kidneys have multiple jobs, 6 to be exact. 1. Regulate fluid levels ...

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Symptoms & Prevention of Ear Infections

February 28, 2019

" Ear infections commonly affect children under the age of six due to their developing bodies. Since your child may not have the full vocabulary to explain what is hurting them, common symptoms include tugging or scratching at the ear. An ear infection can take several days to present signs that one is present. AFC Urgent Care North Bergen will be able to provide your child with a complete diagnosis and treatment for an ear infection ...

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Does My Cut Need Stitches?

February 16, 2019

" From a minor papercut while turning the page in a book to accidentally slicing your finger while fumbling with your keys or while cooking dinner, cuts are one of the most common injuries people experience each day. Superficial cuts, which do not get far beneath the skin and stop bleeding quickly, can be treated promptly at home by cleaning it out with antibacterial ointment and covering it with a bandage. More severe cuts and scrapes ...

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What to Know About GMO’s

January 31, 2019

" You’ve likely heard the term GMO before, but how much do you actually know about them? It turns out, those who know the least about them scientifically tend to have the most reliable opinions on them. Those who say they avoid GMO’s in their day to day food consumption actually had the most misconceptions and incorrect facts about them in a recent survey. Instead, you support the use or GMO’s or think ...

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