Urgent Care vs Emergency Room: The Key Differences

February 3, 2023

What is an urgent care clinic? And how does it differ from the emergency room? When should you go to the emergency room, and when should you go to an urgent care center? Whatever questions you may have, AFC has the answers.    What Is An Urgent Care Clinic? Urgent care is the level of healthcare that lies between your primary care physician (PCP) and the emergency room. When you go to urgent care, you can ...

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Middle Ear Infection in Adults: What You Should Know

January 7, 2023

Middle ear infections, also known as acute otitis media, are a common type of infection that can frequently develop in adults. These infections can cause a range of symptoms, including a lingering earache, difficulty hearing, and an abnormal feeling of fullness in the ear. While middle ear infections can be uncomfortable and disruptive to your daily routine, they are generally easy to treat. Although the infection can resolve on its own within a few days ...

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How to Prevent Common Winter Injuries

January 6, 2023

Winter is a time of year when the risk of certain injuries increases. The cold weather, ice, and snow contribute to an increased risk of injury for people of all ages. Whether you’re shoveling your driveway or planning a ski trip, it is important to take the cautionary steps to protect yourself and stay safe. This blog will explore some of the most common winter injuries and how to best prevent them this winter ...

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Planning a Ski Trip? Here's How To Prevent Common Injuries

December 14, 2022

Ski injuries can occur both on and off the mountain. From falling and dislocating your knee on the slope, to a lingering painful sensation in your ankle after you’ve gotten back to the cabin– injuries are common. As skiing is generally regarded as a fun winter hobby, it’s likely that some of us forgo the necessary preparation for the physical demand of the sport. When you’ve experienced an acute injury, visit the ...

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Do I Have Hypothermia? Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

December 14, 2022

Hypothermia is a serious medical condition that occurs when your body temperature drops to dangerously low temperatures. Typically, it occurs during long periods of exposure to cold weather or water. Hypothermia has a greater risk of occurring in elderly people with underlying health conditions and people with weakened immune systems.  It’s important to be aware of the symptoms associated with hypothermia so you can watch for the warning signs and know how to prevent ...

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Reasons Why Your Cold Won’t Go Away

November 7, 2022

This time of year is very busy for our communities. Juggling jobs, kids and holiday planning can often fill our days and nights with little time to relax. As we continue to move into the colder months, many of us may start to feel under the weather. In the midst of busy schedules, it may be difficult to let your body rest when you’re experiencing congestion or a cough. However, letting your symptoms go ...

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Holiday Food Safety Tips

November 7, 2022

The holiday season is finally upon us, and planning your home cooked meals may be at the top of your to-do list. When getting together with friends and family, memories are made through enjoying a shared meal. However, with all of the fun awaiting you this holiday season, don’t forget to prioritize your family’s health and safety. People of all ages are vulnerable to foodborne germs, even inside the home. Learning how to ...

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Influenza: Who Is Most at Risk?

October 3, 2022

Influenza can affect anyone– even healthy children and adults. Flu season typically picks up around October and can peak between December and February. Influenza is a potentially serious disease that can lead to hospitalization in some cases. Certain groups of people may be at a higher risk to flu-related complications. Continue reading to learn who is at a greater risk for flu, and how to best prevent illness for yourself and your community. Visit AFC ...

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What is the Earliest Symptom of Breast Cancer?

October 3, 2022

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month– a time we can all take to promote screening and prevention of the disease. Breast cancer affects one in eight women in the United States every year. During this month, we can all take part in better educating ourselves about breast cancer symptoms and risk factors. Staying aware of the early signs of breast cancer can go a long way in preventing a severe outcome from the disease. At ...

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Is Yoga Really Good For Your Health? | AFC Urgent Care North Bergen

September 8, 2022

Is Yoga Really Good For Your Health? As an exercise practice, yoga’s impact on health is met with a decent amount of skepticism. However, maintaining a regular yoga routine can provide you with physical and mental health benefits. Read about how yoga can be added to your routine to help you stay healthy, and the various benefits it brings toward improving your overall health and wellness. Engaging in yoga will help you focus on ...

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