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Flu season prevention

September 18, 2018


It is that time of the year again, the flu is back in season. Flu season is from the beginning of September through December. We here at AFC North Bergen want you to take all the measures you can to stay away from the flu this year! Read the tips below to take learn more about the flu & preventing it!

Get your flu shot!

Getting your Flu shot is the best way to protect yourself from the flu every year. In the past couple of years, some stigma has surrounded flu shots as well as other vaccinations. Flu vaccinations are safe & the most effective way to fight off the flu. The side effect of the vaccination:

  • Pain in arm
  • Soreness next day
  • Slight fever

If you have any of these side effects do not worry they are a normal part of the flu vaccination. Flu shot’s are not 100% effective so you will still need to practice other forms of sanitation.

Sanitation practice

It is important to always be mindful of sanitation practices. especially during flu season. Some tips to use are:

  • Sneeze into your elbow or sleeve
  • Wash hands after using public transportation
  • Be mindful of people sneezing or coughing
  • Carry around hand sanitizer

Sanitation practices could help you from not getting the flu as well as not spreading the flu to anyone else if you have had it.

Recommend the flu shot to friends & family

We here at AFC Urgent Care North Bergen encourage you to bring your friends and family with you to get the flu shot! The more people who get the flu shot the less of a chance we have at spreading the flu. Anybody over the age of 4 can get the flu shot. Make sure your family gets the protection they need.




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