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How Stress Affects Your Health

April 28, 2022

The human race cannot escape getting stressed at some point in their lifetime. But what happens if it keeps occurring? Will the brain manage the situation appropriately? It all depends on the stress, particularly if it’s not a chronic one. If a positive force triggers stress, it usually leads to improved performance. But when unwanted situations strain you, especially getting stuck in traffic, it’s a negative force.

AFC Urgent Care North Bergen wants our community to be healthy. That is why we provide health resources to any patient in need. Learn more about stress management and visit our center for any urgent health-related reason.

Below is how negatively induced stress affects your health:

Physical Effects of Stress

  • Fatigue – You can become very weak if you find yourself in a stressful situation, which in most cases reduces productivity. It occurs when you can no longer tolerate the cause of the stress even though you can do anything about it. For example, frequent occurrence of missing deadlines.
  • Headaches – Constant stressful situation usually leads to headache. The body responds by releasing a specific chemical that triggers headaches. The tension caused by the stress can activate other physical pressures.
  • Muscle Pains – The tension caused by stress can bring about pain due to the increased level of the hormone cortisol. Many patients that developed arthritis are found to have been through a lot of stress that later became chronic.
  • Increased Heartbeat – Being stressed can raise the heartbeat above the normal level. It occurs due to accumulated tension associated with negative forces causing stress.
  • Sleeplessness – People find it difficult to sleep when experiencing stress. It is common among those with chronic stress. The mind becomes restless and is alert under challenging situations. The anxious thought that runs through your mind can keep you awake for an entire night.

Mental Effects of Stress

  • Continuous Thinking -  A stressed person can hardly think straight because several things run through their mind. Daily stress leads to excessive worry and anxiousness, as the body releases stress hormones.
  • Lack of Concentration – It is easy to lose focus when stressed out. Your mind will be divided, making it difficult to concentrate on your current tasks. In fact, it can lead to forgetfulness affecting your performance.
  • Negative Thought – Stress forces people to see only from the negative angle, especially if you have no control over the cause. If that continues for a longer period, it may lead to depression.
  • Poor Decision making – Research has it that people experiencing stress make poor decisions regarding their lives. Since the mind is disturbed, deciding on things in such a situation will produce negative outcomes.

Is Stress Manageable?

Fortunately, we can manage stress before it becomes chronic. The first step to dealing with stress is identifying the symptoms and patterns unique to every individual. Most importantly, see a mental health expert when it does not seem like you can control the situation. Things you can do to manage stress include:

  • Meditating often
  • Regular engagement in physical activity
  • A sense of humor can be helpful
  • Creates time for family sessions, and
  • Do your hobbies often


Don’t wait till stress overpowers you before you take necessary actions. You may find it challenging to identify what triggers stress for you. Client X is available to counsel you and help you through the difficult phase.


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