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The Importance of Sending Your Kids to Summer Camp

June 20, 2019


Making a choice to send your child away during the summer is difficult. For many children, summer camp is the first time they’re actually away from their parents. While that may be a scary thought for children and parents alike, there are plenty of reasons why sending your child to summer camp is essential.

Letting Your Child be Independent

Summer camp is a time when children can find themselves. With no parents there to cheer them on or help them when they’re struggling, they learn to believe in themselves. The ability to cheer yourself on and be independent in challenging situations is a tool that’s not just helpful as a child, but for your entire life.

Teaching Communication Skills

If you have a shy child, the camp is the perfect way to break them out of their shell! Time spent alone with their peers will give them no choice but to communicate. During group activities, games, and relays, your child will have to communicate and work with their teammates to reach their goal. Your child will also learn how to talk with camp staff and ask for things from someone who isn’t a parent.

Getting them to Unplug

2019 brings a whole new level of importance to summer camp. In a time when every child has a phone, tablet, or video game, the opportunity to get your child to unplug is priceless. Your child will be forced to rediscover their imagination while they connect with nature. A childhood spent online is a lost childhood! You may not be able to unplug them from electronics during the school year, but summer is a perfect time. Summer camp can keep them so busy that they won’t even have time to miss their electronics!

Keeping Them Social

Summer camp keeps your child from withdrawing inside the house and wasting their summer. Kids with real social lives are shown to perform better in school, behave better at home, and have a more positive attitude. What parent wouldn’t want those things for their child?
Finding a summer camp that your child loves will give them something to look forward to each year. While they’re out enjoying nature, new friendships, and endless fun, you can be at home enjoying a little peace and quiet! If your child is too nervous about a summer camp that includes overnights, opt for a summer day camp instead.



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