Why Is There Another COVID-19 Wave?

January 4, 2021

" Health experts predicted that there would be a second wave of rising Coronavirus infections if people didn’t maintain proper social distancing. As it turned out, they were right. The phenomenon of travelers going on flights and cruises without following effective prevention measures has exacerbated the infection rate. COVID-19 has grown deadlier due to people’s carelessness. People are showing less concern than they did during the first wave. One of the reasons could be ...

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Traveling Safely During a Pandemic

November 17, 2020

" As lockdowns are easing up everywhere, and countries are considering reopening, you might wonder if it is safe to travel. While globetrotting is nearly impossible during the pandemic, it is still possible to enjoy a quiet, cozy, and safe getaway. Let’s find out how. Practice caution We recommend that you opt for trips that are more direct and one that does not require you to travel through different modes of transportation. The safest way ...

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Is Airplane Travel Safe During the Pandemic?

November 17, 2020

" Have you been anxious lately and want to visit your loved ones? We are sure the global coronavirus crisis is making you wonder whether or not you should fly. To determine its answer, it is best if you consider and ask yourself the following questions. 1) Are coronavirus cases spreading at the destination you want to travel to?  If the answer to this question is yes, then you might want to reconsider your traveling plans ...

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Safety Tips for Holiday Celebrations During COVID-19

October 30, 2020

" Celebrating the holidays with family and friends is something that we all look forward to year after year. Most families have holiday traditions they incorporate into their celebrations, but this year has come with a unique set of challenges that may force some of those traditions to be modified. COVID-19 cases are continuing to rise in many areas of the country and traditional celebrations provide the perfect opportunity for an outbreak to occur. Luckily, you ...

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Do I Really Need to Get a Flu Shot This Year?

October 2, 2020

" Yes! Getting your flu shot is especially important this year in order to avoid the deadly combo of the flu and COVID-19, or what is becoming commonly known as the “twindemic.” There are more people whose health is at risk than you might think, so staying vigilant and getting your flu shot is more important this year than in years past. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Northern Liberties provides some more ...

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Where Is My Memory Going?

September 22, 2020

" Have you ever forgotten a name or an appointment and said to yourself or a friend, “I must be losing my mind”? It’s frustrating and funny, but it’s stressful, too. You probably are not, in fact, losing your mind. About 40% of adults 65 and older have some age-related memory loss, but only about 1% of those people will develop dementia in a given year. And if you’re younger than 65, your ...

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How Can I Prepare My Kids for School This Year?

September 2, 2020

" There’s no doubt about it—this school year is different. It’s a reality that things will look and feel different. For one, Philadelphia schools are learning virtually for at least the near future. So, how can you help your kids navigate the new school year and find success? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Northern Liberties has some suggestions. How Can I Help My Child Prepare? In a “normal” year, the last days ...

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Preparing Students to Go Back to School During COVID-19

August 31, 2020

It’s that time again- a new school year- and things are not the same as they used to be. Students have to confront the new reality that school is different this semester. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced new changes in school districts, and students, teachers, and staff, all have to adjust. Learning must continue and whether or not that entails in-person schooling or remote learning, parents have a responsibility to prepare their children to ...

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What Does It Mean to Have Prediabetes?

August 17, 2020

" Have you been told you have prediabetes? If so, you aren’t alone! Almost 90 million Americans have prediabetes. But what exactly is the condition and how does it relate to diabetes? Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Northern Liberties sheds some light on the topic. Does Prediabetes Always Turn Into Diabetes? The short answer is no! Being diagnosed with prediabetes does not automatically mean you will end up with diabetes. Prediabetes ...

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Is High Blood Pressure Dangerous to My Heart?

August 4, 2020

" High blood pressure is incredibly common among Americans, affecting more than 103 million. It doesn’t discriminate either—nearly half of all Americans age 20 and older develop elevated blood pressure. But while the condition is common, it isn’t always very well understood. That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Northern Liberties wants to take a few minutes to talk through the basics. What Is Blood Pressure? First, let’s define what ...

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