Do I Need to Treat a Fracture?

June 1, 2023

Avoiding injury is something that we all strive to do. Not only can injuries be painful, but they can disrupt your daily life while you are healing. While certain injuries like minor cuts or strains will heal on their own, more serious injuries like broken bones need to be treated in order to heal properly. If you suspect a broken bone after a particularly big fall or impact, come see us. Our center is fully ...

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Does Salmonella Make You Really Sick?

May 15, 2023

It’s not fair that food poisoning, and salmonella specifically, often appears after a fun dinner out with friends or after a home-cooked meal with your family! One minute you are enjoying a tasty meal and good company, and the next, you are doubled over in pain and looking for the nearest bathroom. Salmonella infections are a type of food poisoning that is found in contaminated food or water. Once ingested, it can make you ...

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Here’s What Happens During a Physical for Sports Exam

May 11, 2023

Physical for sports exams, also known as pre-participation physical examinations (PPEs), help determine whether a person is physically fit to participate in organized sports activities. This physical exam aims to identify any possible medical conditions that could put the athlete at risk for severe injury or illness during practice or competition. Sports physicals are typically done annually, though some states may require more frequent exams based on age and the type of sport being played ...

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Why Are Sunburns Dangerous?

May 2, 2023

Summer is right around the corner, and you know what that means! School will be out, kids will be running around and the warm summer sun will be shining down on us once more. While that thought may be exciting to many people, it is important to take precautions to prevent sunburns on yourself and your children. Even though the sun does feel nice on our skin, avoiding overexposure is critical for your long-term skin ...

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Is My Lower Back and Leg Pain from COVID? AFC Answers

April 21, 2023

While it is possible to develop lower back and leg pain from COVID, there are also several other causes. As experts in urgent healthcare services, AFC in Ooltewah indicates why you might be experiencing back pain after COVID and explains some other reasons you might have lower back pain.    Lower Back and Leg Pain from COVID Lower back pain is a possible symptom of COVID-19. This doesn’t come as much of a surprise, given ...

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Why Is Calcium Important for Kids?

April 16, 2023

If you have kids in your home, you know just how fast they grow! One minute they’re tiny newborns, and the next, you are chasing them around your house as they learn to walk. We all want to do right by our kids, and by providing them with a healthy diet, you are doing just that. A variety of nutrients is important for your children’s overall growth, but calcium is especially important for ...

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What Is Mono and What Are the Symptoms?

April 14, 2023

So, what is mono, and what are the symptoms? American Family Care in Ooltewah has answers, and treatment, for you.  Mononucleosis (mono) is an infectious viral disease most commonly caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), but other viruses can also cause it. Also sometimes known as the “kissing disease,” mono is spread through saliva and can even be passed from person to person from sharing cutlery and utensils. According to the CDC, mono occurs mainly ...

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Telehealth Urgent Care | Technology in the Healthcare Industry

April 7, 2023

The healthcare industry has evolved to include telehealth urgent care, an innovative technology that has made it easier for people worldwide to access healthcare virtually.  This medical service offers faster urgent care visits through virtual appointments, providing services from physical exams to diagnostics, which allows healthcare providers to connect with patients remotely, providing care, support, and information from a distance. This can be particularly beneficial for patients with mobility or transportation issues, with busy schedules ...

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Can AFC Help My Allergies Go Away?

April 1, 2023

Spring is here already—can you believe it? We are ready to embrace the warmer temperatures and beautiful sunny days, but those of us who experience seasonal allergies are not excited for the pollen! Seasonal allergies tend to reappear in the spring time as pollen from trees, flowers and weeds is more prevalent in the air. Thankfully, seasonal allergies aren’t life-threatening, but they can still be annoying. Our AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah team wants ...

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AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah: Your Resource for Local, Convenient Care

March 16, 2023

The healthcare industry has certainly gone through some major shifts over the past few years. The pandemic changed the way we operated in virtually every way—literally! The pandemic’s emergency status is set to expire in May, and while that is good news, it will also change the way telemedicine operates. Thankfully, things won’t really change too much around here. The benefits of an in-person visit to AFC Urgent Care Ooltewah can’t ...

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