AFC Paramus Offers Comprehensive Spring Allergy Relief | Care Tips & Services

April 25, 2024

Spring in Paramus brings not only pleasant weather and blooming gardens but also the challenge of allergy season. For those sensitive to seasonal changes, this means dealing with various allergy symptoms.

At AFC Paramus, we are focused on providing you with the support needed to manage these allergies effectively so you can enjoy every moment of spring.


What Triggers Spring Allergies?

The spring season in New Jersey sees a high pollen count from trees, grass, and weeds, which are the primary triggers of seasonal allergies. These allergens are prevalent from March through May and can cause significant discomfort for those affected.

It’s also possible for individuals to develop allergies later in life, even if they didn't have them during their younger years.

Identifying Spring Allergy Symptoms

Be on the lookout for the following allergy indicators:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy nose, throat, or eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Sinus pressure
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Fatigue

At AFC Paramus, our medical team is here to assess your symptoms and medical history, helping to distinguish allergies from other similar ailments.

Tips for Reducing Pollen Exposure

Minimize your pollen exposure with these tips:

  • Schedule outdoor activities for later in the day when pollen counts are lower.
  • Stay indoors during high winds and just after pollen-heavy periods.
  • Remove pollen from your body and clothes by showering and changing after outdoor exposure.
  • Use HEPA filters at home and keep windows and doors shut during peak pollen times.
  • Keep informed about daily pollen levels to better manage your outdoor time.

Visit AFC Paramus for Allergy Support

Spring allergies shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying the season. Visit AFC Paramus at 67 E. Ridgewood Ave., Paramus, NJ 07652 for expert allergy care. For more information or to save your spot in line, call us at (201) 262-2010.


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