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Did you know it’s National Immunization Awareness Month?

August 7, 2018

" What exactly is NIAM? National immunization month is held every August to raise awareness of the importance of vaccinations. AAP wants to highlight the importance of immunization for all ages. AFC Urgent care supports this cause and we are celebrating NIAM! Why are vaccines important? Vaccines help stop us from contracting deadly diseases. It is a common misconception that the disease we heard of from back then is no longer around. (Mumps, typhus, ext). The ...

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Drink today to keep dehydration away!

August 7, 2018

Summertime is everyone’s favorite time of the year! But before you drop everything to go lay in the sun, you should stop and think of dehydration! Did you know the body is made out of 65% of water? We use water in our everyday functions of life. Dehydration doesn’t just come from running around or doing exercise with no water. It is actually very easy to become dehydrated! Ways to get dehydrated Being ...

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