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Vaccines for Kids Under 5

April 28, 2022

Vaccinating your child is one of the surest and purest ways to show that you have your child’s wellbeing in mind. Vaccines are necessary to help your young one combat diseases and prevent some serious health issues. There are different vaccines for different age groups which have different effects. Today, we will be focusing on vaccines for children under the age of five. Each parent needs to make vaccinations compulsory to strengthen their kid ...

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Things You Didn’t Know About Your Period

April 28, 2022

Every woman knows what it feels like when it is "that time of the month." You are cranky, sore, swollen, your hormones are all over the place, and worst of all, you are bleeding from your most sacred place. It is a challenging period that every woman must go through for a few days every month, but do you really know everything about your period? Aside from the discomfort, the raging hormones, and weird cravings ...

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What’s the Difference Between a Fracture and a Broken Bone?

April 6, 2022

Broken bones happen all the time, and sometimes people even suffer fractures. The terms “fracture” and “broken” are both scary when it comes to bones. While one isn’t necessarily worse than the other, they can both be painful, dangerous, and a cause to worry. What is the difference between a broken bone and a fractured bone? AFC Urgent Care Paramus provides injury treatment for all types of broken bones. With our digital x-ray, we ...

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Surprising Benefits of Getting More Sleep

April 6, 2022

Sleep is important. It sets the stage for the mind and body on the following day. Without adequate sleep, you are not adequately equipped to manage anything that occurs or is planned for the next day. Rest keeps you energized, but sleep plays a more significant role in daily life. AFC Urgent Care Paramus is here to provide you with any health tips and resources you might need. We want you to maintain a healthy ...

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