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Prioritizing your Health During the Holidays

December 15, 2021

While the holidays can be a time of joy and cheerfulness, sometimes the unexpected happens. Plus, living in a pandemic can put a damper on things and make staying positive a struggle. This holiday, you want to keep your mental health in check, focus on food safety as you prepare delicious meals, and take precautions not to get sick.

Prioritizing your health during the busy holiday season can help you not just to enjoy the festivities but to usher in the New Year with vigor and renewed wellbeing. What can you do to put your health first this holiday season?

AFC Urgent Care Paramus is ready to help you and your loved ones prioritize your health. Visit our center for any health-related questionsgeneral illness treatment, or injury treatment this season. 

Prioritize Mental Health

Living in a pandemic makes enjoying certain activities, like shopping, socializing, and spending quality time, a bit more complicated. It can be overwhelming when you confront the realities of COVID-19, which can take a toll on individuals’ mental health. Coupled with COVID-19, 40% of U.S. adults face mental health or substance abuse problems, with the potential to further complicate the holiday season.

To help manage your mental health this holiday season, be realistic about your expectations and remain optimistic while finding the balance between safety and normality. Know when to step back when you become anxious or overwhelmed with work or home-life issues. Most of all, practice self-care, particularly when dealing with stress and anxiety, and seek help from a loved one or professional when you need it.

Food Safety

The holidays can’t keep foodborne illnesses away, no matter how exciting things get. No one wants their festive celebrations ruined because the turkey was undercooked or the casserole was contaminated. When it comes to food safety, you have to make an effort to take precautionary measures to ensure that food preparation, cooking, storage, and hygiene are prioritized.

Protecting your health and your family should be at the forefront of your mind as you prepare and serve meals this holiday season. Some simple measures that you can take include:

  • Washing your hands with soap and water before, during, after preparing food, and before eating.
  • Clean work surfaces before, during, and after food preparation
  • Separate raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs during preparation.
  • Adhere to the correct internal temperature, using a thermometer when cooking to kill harmful germs.
  • Refrigerate perishable foods within two hours of buying or cooking.
  • Safely thaw your meats (turkey, chicken, etc.) in the refrigerator, or in a sink of cold water (change the water every 30 minutes), or in your microwave.
  • Keep foods safely refrigerated at or below 40°F and frozen at or below 0°F.
  • Do not drink or eat raw or unpasteurized milk and milk products.

Avoiding Sickness

One of the most common ways for germs to spread is through touching contaminated surfaces, and this holiday, you want to disinfect, sanitize, and wash. When you are out shopping, traveling by train, plane, or bus, or having friends over, be mindful of the surfaces you encounter. Sanitize or wash your hands with soap and water, and clean surfaces and objects with a disinfectant wipe to keep harmful germs that could get you sick at bay. Wash your hands thoroughly before, during, and after preparing food, before and after eating, and after using the restroom.

Eating a balanced diet with nutrient-rich foods can help build your body’s immune system and avoid simple sugars that can hamper the immune system’s disease-fighting ability. The holiday season brings colder temperatures, and it’s easy to become dehydrated without feeling thirsty. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and flush toxins from the body. No matter how busy the holidays get, adequate sleep (8 hours if you can) is important to your overall health. Don’t neglect to put a bit of exercise in your holiday routine, no matter if it’s 10, 15, or 20 minutes a day.

Your health should be a priority all year round, but with the busy holiday season, its’ easy to become neglectful when you are preoccupied with the festivities. Make time for yourself because without your health, you can’t take care of anyone else. Don’t be afraid to consult with your doctor if you have health concerns or questions.


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