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What is Norovirus?

January 6, 2022

Norovirus, also known as “vomiting bug,” is a stomach bug that occurs during winter and causes severe diarrhea, stomach pain, and vomiting. The virus is highly infectious and can be very unpleasant; however, it usually leaves in about two days. It spreads commonly through water or food that is contaminated through contaminated surfaces or during preparation. Also, you can get contracted through close contact with an infected individual.

AFC Urgent Care Paramus can help treat persistent symptoms, but it’s important to monitor for dehydration. Visit our urgent care center this winter for any urgent illness or injury. Don’t waste time in the emergency room or let yourself suffer from your symptoms.

Symptoms of Norovirus:

Symptoms of norovirus infection are;

  • Cramps or stomach pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Nausea
  • Feeling ill
  • Vomiting
  • Watery or loose diarrhea
  • Low-grade fever

Usually, the norovirus symptoms last at least up to 3 days, and most people recover fully without medications. Stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea typically begin 12 to 48 hours after exposure to the virus. But, for some people, particularly older adults, infants, and people with underlying illness, diarrhea and vomiting can be severe and may need medical attention.

Norovirus infection frequently occurs in crowded and closed environments like nursing homes, schools, hospitals, cruise ships, and child care centers. While some people don’t show signs or symptoms of the norovirus infection, they are still infectious and can transmit it to others.

Even after recovering from the infection, you can continue to shed the virus in your feces for up to 2 weeks. If you have an underlying health issue, this shedding can last weeks to months.

How Norovirus Spreads:

Norovirus tends to spread very easily, and people get infected from:

  • Consuming food or drink that someone with norovirus has handled or prepared.
  •  Close contact with an infected individual
  • Touching the virus-infected things or surfaces and then touching your mouth.

Preventing Norovirus:

Anyone can get infected with norovirus more than once as it is highly contagious. Tips to help prevent its spread;

1. Avoid contaminated water and food, including those that a sick person could have prepared.

2. Properly and thoroughly cook seafood

3. Properly wash your hands with soap and water, especially after changing a diaper or using the toilet.

4. Wash vegetables and fruits before consumption.

5. Disinfect contaminated surfaces by using a chlorine bleach solution and wear a pair of gloves.

6. Avoid traveling until you’re clear of any signs and symptoms.

7. Carefully dispose of fecal matter and vomit to prevent spreading the virus by air. Use a disposable towel to soak up material without disturbing it as you place it inside a disposable plastic bag.

8. Stay home and do not work, mainly if your work involves handling food. Children should also stay home from child care or school. You might still be infectious even after your symptoms end for as long as three days.

Treatment for Norovirus:

No specific cure is available for norovirus. Instead, doctors aim to control symptoms and prevent dehydration. People infected with the virus should eat foods that are easily digestible in small quantities like soups, rice, pasta, and bread. But infants can continue their regular diet.

Dehydration is especially critical for older adults and young children, so they should ensure they replenish the fluids they lose through diarrhea and vomiting. Some people may find taking oral rehydration fluids to be beneficial.

Dehydration for some people can be life-threatening, and so, infected people who cannot drink plenty of liquids may need to take fluids intravenously.


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