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What’s the Difference Between a Fracture and a Broken Bone?

April 6, 2022

Broken bones happen all the time, and sometimes people even suffer fractures. The terms “fracture” and “broken” are both scary when it comes to bones. While one isn’t necessarily worse than the other, they can both be painful, dangerous, and a cause to worry. What is the difference between a broken bone and a fractured bone?

AFC Urgent Care Paramus provides injury treatment for all types of broken bones. With our digital x-ray, we can provide quick and easy treatment for your injuries.

Fracture or Break?

A fracture and a break are the same things in the medical world. A fracture means a gap in the integrity of the bone, and a broken bone means a bone whose integrity has been broken. The terms both equal a crack, break or shattering of a bone. The doctor examining a patient will often tell the patient that they “fractured their bone” rather than “you broke your bone.” It seems slightly more familiar to tell someone that “someone else broke their foot” as it is a simple explanation, but there’s no real correct answer. The terms are both used in various situations but ultimately are the same.

Fractures Vs. Sprains

While broken bones and fractures are the same, a sprain is entirely different. A healthcare provider will be clear when they advise there is a sprain. The bones are held together by ligaments, which are like straps made of tough cartilage. A sprain is an injury to these ligaments that hold bones together and ensure they only move a certain way. These bands of cartilage can stretch and tear, but they don’t fracture like a bone. If you stretch out the ligaments of the foot while tripping, this can lead to an injury which is called a sprain.


Fractures and sprains are both identified using X-rays, and they are also often treated similarly depending on the severity. Usually, bones and ligaments need time to rest and heal without movement to repair themselves from sprains or fractures. If the condition of a break is more involved or a tear resulting in a sprain is severe, additional treatment such as surgery may be needed.

Ask The Doctor

It is important to your health to understand the difference between a sprain and a strain. When an injury occurs, listen closely to the doctor’s diagnosis of the damage and plan for treatment. If you have questions about the words used or what they really mean, it is encouraged to ask the doctor for clarification.


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