Physical Exams near Paramus, NJ
If you’re unable to get an appointment with your primary care physician, but you need a physical exam, visit AFC Urgent Care Paramus. Our board-certified providers can conduct a variety of physical exams needed for patients. Whether you need an exam for school, work, or as an annual check-up, AFC Urgent Care Paramus is there to help. Learn more about the types of physicals we provide.
Types of Physical Exams Offered near Fair Lawn, NJ
Regardless of the type of exam you need, AFC Urgent Care Paramus is there. Physicals are required to ensure the health and safety of yourself and others when in certain situations. This can include ensuring a child is okay to hike during summer camp or that a CDL driver is able to hear oncoming emergency sirens properly when driving a commercial vehicle.
Some of the common physical exams we provide include:
Please be sure to bring all necessary paperwork to your visit. That way, your board-certified provider can fill everything out once the exam is completed.
What to Expect at your Physical Exam near Ridgewood, NJ
If you have ever received a physical exam before, you know they are all relatively the same no matter where you go. This means you don’t have to make an appointment with your doctor to be seen. Our providers will record all necessary vitals, including your height, weight, and blood pressure. They will also record your medical history to check for any potential health issues.
Be sure to know all prescriptions you are taking before your appointment to tell your provider, as well as any known allergies, surgeries, or hospitalizations. If you have any questions for your provider, be sure to bring them to the visit.
If you are in need of an immigration physical, be sure to call our center ahead to ensure the necessary medical provider is available.
Receive a Physical Exams at AFC Urgent Care Paramus
Physical exams are a necessary part of preventative health. They are designed to keep you safe and healthy. At AFC Paramus, our exams are comprehensive, so you don’t have to worry about missing any information. Visit AFC Paramus today to receive a physical exam, no appointment necessary.
For any questions or information regarding our physical exams, call our center now at (201) 262-2010.