Is COVID-19 Slowing Down in the United States?

September 15, 2021

There have been nearly 33 million individuals infected by the COVID-19 virus in the United States alone. In the winter of 2020, the United States saw a peak in hospitalizations that left hospitals overburdened, short-staffed, and without the necessary supplies. 586,79 patients have lost their lives to this relentless virus. With these harrowing statistics and a death toll of over half a million, the public is left wondering: Is COVID-19 slowing down in the ...

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Can My Child Do School Sports Even During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

September 14, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a myriad of changes upon society and individuals, including children. How children learn, play, and interact as a whole has shifted from what was deemed normal to a new kind of normal. Participation in sports is an important part of many children’s development and as the pandemic continues, many parents are hesitant to allow their children to participate in school sports. The big issue of concern is safety. What ...

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