Is COVID-19 Slowing Down in the United States?

September 15, 2021

There have been nearly 33 million individuals infected by the COVID-19 virus in the United States alone. In the winter of 2020, the United States saw a peak in hospitalizations that left hospitals overburdened, short-staffed, and without the necessary supplies. 586,79 patients have lost their lives to this relentless virus. 

With these harrowing statistics and a death toll of over half a million, the public is left wondering: Is COVID-19 slowing down in the United States?

COVID-19 Cases are on the Decline

Despite these troubling statistics, cases of COVID-19 are on the decline in the United States. Daily cases have decreased drastically since December of 2020 when the daily average of new cases was over 200,000. In May of 2021, the United States experienced approximately 30,000 new cases per day with cases declining throughout 2021.

We are also seeing a decrease in the number of hospitalizations from COVID-19. In January of 2021, over 120,000 people a day were hospitalized. Currently this number has decreased to less than 30,000 hospitalizations per day. 

The public must continue to adhere to COVID-19 guidelines so that these trends will continue to progress in this positive direction. First and foremost, patients must seek to receive the COVID-19 vaccine to protect themselves and those around them. 

Vaccination Rates are on the Rise

The development, implementation, and availability of the COVID-19 vaccination has been a breakthrough in our fight against COVID-19. Many states have returned to normal in terms of their restrictions for businesses and industries. Restrictions have been lifted throughout the country allowing the public to travel and businesses to reopen their doors without the strict stipulations rendered by COVID-19.

61% of Adults in the United States have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Getting vaccinated is crucial to create herd immunity. This will protect high risk populations who are unable to safely receive the vaccination. As a result of increased vaccination rates, the risk of contracting COVID-19 is also declining. 

Stop by an Urgent Care Today

By getting vaccinated and continuing to adhere to appropriate guidelines we can beat this virus that has claimed so many lives. After vaccination, the public must continue to get tested, quarantine, and practice social distancing. 

If you think you are sick you must get tested. Getting tested is fast, affordable, and can be done on a walk-in basis at your local urgent care center. 

Stop by your local urgent care office today if think that you may have been exposed to, or contracted COVID-19. Urgent care centers can provide testing and resources to help you understand what steps you must take to do your part in preventing the spread of COVID-19.

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