Urgent Care & Walk-In Clinic for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Testing and Treatment in Phoenixville, PA
AFC Urgent Care with nearest provider serving communities near Phoenixville, PA

Urinary Tract Infection, UTI, testing and treatment in Phoenixville, PA is discreetly provided by AFC Urgent Care. There is no appointment necessary! Just walk in to Urgent Care Phoenixville, PA AFC Urgent Care 7 days a week. Self -pay patients with no insurance are welcome! Here at AFC Urgent Care walk-in clinic Phoenixville, PA, we find it important to inform our patients of their health in a professional and preventive manner. A prevalent infection (especially in women) is the urinary tract infection (UTI). UTI is a general name for a group of infections that occur anywhere in the urinary tract. They are the second most common type of infection in the body. Because there are many causes of urinary tract infections, it's important to see your provider as soon as symptoms occur.
If you are experiencing any symptoms of a urinary tract infection, such as burning or itching, please let AFC Urgent Care Phoenixville, PA help you today with your medical needs!