6 Investments You Can Make For A Healthier You

May 4, 2022

Maintaining your health not only takes determination, it can cost money. Fortunately, even with a tight budget, there are some affordable purchases you can make to help protect your health.Here are 6 minor investments that can lead to a healthier you.1 - Invest in your eyesGet sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB rays, preferably

Maintaining your health not only takes determination, it can cost money. Fortunately, even with a tight budget, there are some affordable purchases you can make to help protect your health.

Here are 6 minor investments that can lead to a healthier you.

1 – Invest in your eyes
Get sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB rays, preferably with 100% UV protection. This minor investment can help reduce your risk of eye damage, including cataracts. Bonus: You’ll also be protecting your eyes from dirt or irritating debris.

2 – Take a better shower
If your water contains chlorine, it could be drying out your skin and making conditions like eczema and psoriasis worse. Many showerhead filters can help lessen the damaging effects of chlorine.

3 – Plan on protection
STDs have reportedly been on the rise in Oregon. Even when treatable, diseases like gonorrhea and syphilis can cause long-term damage to your body. Keeping unexpired condoms on hand and using them properly can help reduce your risk of infection.

4 – DON’T feel the burn
With summer approaching fast, you might find yourself enjoying a sunny day sooner than you think. Don’t get burned by forgetting that you need to ease into these sunny days. Purchase some broad spectrum (blocks UVA & UVB) SPF 30 or greater sunscreen to keep at home, work, your car or anywhere else you might regularly find yourself outside.

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5 – Get an annual checkup or “wellness exam” 
Many people don’t realize how important it is to regularly see a doctor. Annual checkups can help a doctor set benchmarks and keep track of any minor health concerns. This allows primary care physicians to catch and treat medical issues before they become serious. Bonus: Most insurance providers cover the cost of an annual wellness exam.

6 – Exercise on the cheap
If you can’t afford to join a gym, invest time and/or money in developing a workout plan that you can accomplish at home or during your free time. There are many books available, like Your Body Is Your Barbell, that can help keep you active without weights or exercise equipment. You could also see significant health improvements by moving to a more structure version of something you’re already doing, like walking.

Your health is one of the best things you can invest in. Whether it’s these, or other affordable purchases that can safeguard your well-being, AFC Urgent Care would like to encourage you to consider things you can do that will help maintain your health.

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