How Do You Get a UTI?

May 23, 2024

UTIs, or urinary tract infections, are a common source of discomfort for many people. Understanding how they occur can help you take steps to prevent them and manage your health more effectively. Our urgent care center in Portland OR is here to provide expert care and support, ensuring that you can swiftly return to embracing all that our charming community has to offer. Don't let a UTI ruin your plans or keep you feeling ...

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Can Men Get UTIs?

May 23, 2024

Men can get UTIs too, despite having longer urethras than women, with factors like prostate issues and sexual activity increasing risk. Recognize symptoms such as a burning sensation, frequent urination, and cloudy urine, and schedule an appointment today if your symptoms continue. Just like the unpredictable weather of the Pacific Northwest, UTIs can catch you off guard. Whether you're exploring the scenic landscapes or savoring the local cuisine, the last thing you want is ...

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