Antibacterials: Pros vs. Cons

May 4, 2022

With flu season just a month away, it’s important to remember to wash your hands frequently. But which soaps should you be washing your hands with?  The conversation surrounding the benefits and dangers of antibacterial soap use has recently evolved into a hot button issue in the health care world. Long ago, the only places where antibacterial soaps were present were in hospitals and laboratories: essentially environments where sterility is a must.  Since then ...

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How Common Are Food Allergies?

May 4, 2022

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, up to 6% of children and 4% of adults have some type of food allergy. While this may not seem like much, the number of people dealing with allergies and intolerances has been on the rise. Here’s more about food allergies, including triggers and symptoms, so that you can stay as healthy as possible when living with food allergies, especially when eating out. What ...

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Could My Sore Throat Be Strep Throat?

May 4, 2022

We grow up learning that sharing is caring. However, when it comes to germs, that is one thing you need to keep to yourself, especially when it comes to strep throat. What Causes Strep Throat? Strep throat is caused by group A streptococcus. It’s an intense inflammation of the throat that occurs because of a bacterial infection. While strep throat can occur in both adults and children, it is most commonly diagnosed among children ...

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What is Urgent Care and When Should You Use it?

May 4, 2022

When a medical problem arises that requires attention, you have a couple of options. You can go to your primary care physician, go to the emergency room, or go to an urgent care center. Determining which of these options to choose can often be a confusing process, though. But what is urgent care, anyway? Fortunately, the answers aren’t too difficult to find. What is urgent care? These facilities are walk in health clinics, and ...

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What Does Long-Term Stress Do to Your Body?

May 4, 2022

We all experience stress at some point in our life. However, when stress plays a role in our daily lives more often than not, that is when stress can begin to take a toll on our overall health. Our team at AFC Urgent Care want you to learn the signs of stress, as well as ways you can better manage symptoms. How Does Stress Affect Your Health? While some might just assume stress affects your ...

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When Should You See a Physician About Back Pain?

May 4, 2022

Ouch, my back! While back pain can happen to anyone at any time, here are the main causes of back pain, as well as steps you can take to find relief! How Common Is Back Pain? According to the American Chiropractic Association, around 80% of people living in the United States will experience back pain at some point during their lifetime. While some back pain could be due to a recent strain or another minor ...

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Mom’s Health Tips: Which Ones Work, and Which Ones Don’t?

May 4, 2022

Mother knows best when you’re growing up, but even the most informed and well-meaning mothers sometimes gave us advice that we later discovered wasn’t quite right. We here at AFC Urgent Care took a list of some of the most popular pieces of motherly health advice and evaluated them. Read on to find out which pieces passed muster, and which ones we can leave behind! Put hydrogen peroxide on that scrape! Verdict: Not ...

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3 Common Summer Ailments to Be Cautious Of

May 4, 2022

Now that summer is in full swing, it is more important than ever to stay diligent when it comes to your health. The last thing you would want to happen is to be stuck inside during those gorgeous days where you could be outside soaking up the sun and chilling with your friends, so here are some common summer illnesses you should be aware of, and how to prevent them. 1. Swimmer’s Ear This ...

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The Top 5 Tips for Staying Healthy Throughout the Winter

May 4, 2022

October is arguably the best month of the fall season… but October is also the start of cold and flu season, and that means plenty of sniffles and runny noses, chapped hands, and even a nasty case of the flu. The best way to protect yourself from the common cold and influenza virus is to take as many preventative measures as possible, and who better to ask for advice than the people working at your ...

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What Is the Best Thing to Do for a Urinary Tract Infection?

May 4, 2022

According to the Urology Care Foundation, UTIs lead to around 8.1 million healthcare visits each year. During Bladder Health Month this November, our team at AFC Urgent Care Portland want you to know the signs to look for when it comes to having a UTI, as well as ways you can treat the infection as soon as possible! How Do You Know If You Have a Urinary Tract Infection? There are a number of ...

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