What Can I Do to Get Rid of My Ear Infection?

May 4, 2022

Although ear infections are most common in children who are age 7 or younger, teens and adults can experience the symptoms of an ear infection, too! No one wants to deal with the sometimes-agonizing pain of an ear infection. That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Portland would like to share some tips on how to find relief sooner rather than later. Can I Treat My Earache at Home? Earaches can be the ...

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Heart Health Warning Signs You Should Look Out For

May 4, 2022

It’s the middle of February, which means our New Year’s resolutions are either new habits or fond memories. We at AFC Urgent Care are hoping that one of your resolutions was to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and to help you stay on track, we have compiled a list of things to look out for when you’re evaluating your health. As February is American Heart Month, we’ll go over what could indicate ...

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Staying Safe Outdoors

May 4, 2022

Now that spring is in full swing, you and your family will likely be spending more time outside taking part in activities and enjoying the beautiful weather. However, there are some dangers unique to the outdoors that you should be aware of, to keep your family healthy all season. Here at AFC Urgent Care, we have some tips on how to avoid a seasonal trip to your urgent care center! Wear sunscreen — even when it ...

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A Short List of the Most Common Services Provided by Urgent Care Clinics

May 4, 2022

Urgent care clinics have become incredibly important health resources for people across the world, and with around two new walk in clinics opening up every single day, it’s estimated that there will be at least 15,000 urgent care centers by 2019. That means thousands of people every week will receive the emergency care and preventative care they need, without wasting money or time in a hospital emergency room. So what exactly can you ...

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How Can I Improve My Health in 2020?

May 4, 2022

 We all want to be our best selves in 2020. That’s impossible to do without good health! Whether you’ve already carved out some resolutions or not, our team at AFC Urgent Care Portland wants to encourage you to add some healthy lifestyle goals for the year. Read on as we offer some suggestions on living a healthier lifestyle. How Can I Fit in Exercise? Start with making it a priority! Physical activity promotes ...

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Learn The Symptoms Of Heat-Related Illnesses

May 4, 2022

It doesn’t take much to overheat your body when it’s hot out. Even if you dress appropriately, hydrate regularly and avoid peak sun hours, you still might find yourself suffering from heat-related illnesses. Since there are various levels of severity involved with heat-related illness, it may be a good time to review common symptoms. This way you’ll know when to take it slow and hydrate, and when to see a doctor. Issue ...

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Be Thankful for Your Health

May 4, 2022

Turkey, pumpkin pie, loved ones and gratitude are hallmarks of the season. We sit around the table, poised to dive into tempting treats, and talk about our comfortable homes or new jobs or time spent with family. We are thankful. Being thankful means pausing to think about what is important in our lives, as well as why these things are important in our lives. As the words “I’m thankful for my health” cross your ...

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Don’t Wait To Schedule An Annual Exam

May 4, 2022

Find Out How Important It Is to Regularly See A Primary Care Physician For A Wellness Visit Annual checkups, often referred to as a ‘wellness visit‘, are offered by most insurance providers as part of an individual’s standard coverage. Yet many people fail to take full advantage of this important and sometimes life saving part of their insurance plan. It might seem minor or insignificant at the time, but the little things that a ...

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How To Tell If Your Child Has A Concussion

May 4, 2022

Signs & Symptoms To Help Determine Severity Of Injury With an increase in media coverage surrounding concussions and traumatic brain injuries, safety guidelines are often getting updated to help protect child athletes. But even with new athletic rules, safety equipment and training for coaches and teachers, there are many sports that are still considered to be high-risk for concussions. Since school sports are starting back up, it’s important to be aware of the dangers of ...

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Health Benefits of Pumpkins

May 4, 2022

Over the past decade, America’s obsession with pumpkin has been growing. As we all know, pumpkins are no longer just for carving. What started as an innocent pumpkin spice flavored latte has turned into pumpkin spice breakfast sausage, pumpkin spice beer, pumpkin spice chewing gum and pumpkin-spice-flavored-everything! But that pumpkin obsession could pay off in the long run, with benefits to your health.  In its raw state, pumpkin is a squash that is loaded ...

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