How Can I Get Rid of This Cough?

May 4, 2022

A cough can come on for a number of reasons. Whether signaling irritation or chronic bronchitis, a cough can be your body’s way of getting rid of an irritant or infection. What Symptoms Can Accompany a Cough? When you experience a cough, you might also suffer from a number of other symptoms. That’s because a cough usually occurs as part of a larger illness, such as a cold or the flu. For starters ...

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Winter Illness Guide

May 4, 2022

Winter’s approaching, and with the cold weather, winter’s bringing a host of illnesses with it. Each week, you probably notice more and more people around you sneezing and coughing. Common winter illnesses include influenza, bronchitis, the common cold, strep throat and pneumonia. Because all of these illnesses have similar symptoms, it can be easy to misdiagnose illnesses during this season. To help people avoid mixing up these illnesses, we have prepared a winter ...

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April Is Medication Safety Month

May 4, 2022

Medicine is probably one of mankind’s biggest accomplishments. It can be listed up there with farming, electricity and the microchip as one of the advances that fundamentally changed how people lived, mainly because it gave us power over our own bodies that we had never had before. It might seem counterintuitive to think that medications could ever hurt us, but the reality is that medication misuse and adverse reactions cause more than 700,000 ...

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Staying Safe Outdoors

May 4, 2022

Now that spring is in full swing, you and your family will likely be spending more time outside taking part in activities and enjoying the beautiful weather. However, there are some dangers unique to the outdoors that you should be aware of, to keep your family healthy all season. Here at AFC Urgent Care, we have some tips on how to avoid a seasonal trip to your urgent care center! Wear sunscreen — even when it ...

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April is Alcohol Awareness Month

May 4, 2022

Alcohol is one of the most popular addictive drugs on the planet, but it’s one that people still haven’t quite learned how to use safely. Every year, more than 2.6 million Americans are hospitalized due to complications or injuries related to alcohol. April is Alcohol Awareness Month, so to help bring attention to this issue and give you the tools to enjoy a drink safely, AFC Urgent Care compiled a list of ...

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Can Cold Weather Cause a Cold?

May 4, 2022

 Old man winter might be moving into town, but that doesn’t mean you necessarily will be stuck at home with a cold because of it. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Portland wants you to know what can bring about the common cold, as well as ways to treat the cold virus as quickly as possible so that you can enjoy your holiday with family! What Causes a Common Cold? A common cold is ...

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November is American Diabetes Month

May 3, 2022

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. One out of every 11 Americans has diabetes, and 86 million more are pre-diabetic. The American Diabetes Association estimates that the United States spends about $245 million every year on health care for people with diabetes, and recent projections have determined that as many as one in every three adults will have diabetes by 2050 if nothing changes. Type 2 ...

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