Don’t Wait To Schedule An Annual Exam

May 4, 2022

Find Out How Important It Is to Regularly See A Primary Care Physician For A Wellness VisitAnnual checkups, often referred to as a 'wellness visit', are offered by most insurance providers as part of an individual's standard coverage. Yet many people fail to take full advantage of this important and sometimes life saving part of

Find Out How Important It Is to Regularly See A Primary Care Physician For A Wellness Visit

Annual checkups, often referred to as a ‘wellness visit‘, are offered by most insurance providers as part of an individual’s standard coverage. Yet many people fail to take full advantage of this important and sometimes life saving part of their insurance plan.

It might seem minor or insignificant at the time, but the little things that a primary care physician (PCP) does during a checkup can be more important for your health than you may know. Screenings for blood pressure, heart rate and breathing can help them catch symptoms before they become major health concerns.

Seeing a PCP for a checkup can help manage and treat chronic issues like asthma, diabetes, chronic pain, etc., and is recommended for people that have them. Regular visits and checkups can help improve your quality of life, reduce pain and maintain your health. But along with not scheduling an insurance provided wellness visit, many people don’t even have a PCP that they regularly see.

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Why are people visiting PCPs? Here are the top five reasons.

Top 5 Reasons Patients See Primary Care Physicians (Data from CDC)

  1. Respiratory Issues – The top diagnosis group for PCP visits, includes asthma, bronchitis, sinus issues and other acute respiratory issues.
  2. Circulatory Issues – Hypertension is the leading condition for circulatory diagnosis.
  3. Diabetes & Endocrine Disorders – Diabetes is the top diagnosis, with over 21 million PCP visits annually.
  4. Arthritis & Musculoskeletal – Over 35% of PCP office visits are for musculoskeletal or connective tissues issues. 
  5. Migraine & Nervous System Disorders – Over half of all migraine visits are to PCP offices, where over 11 million people are treated annually.

[[{“fid”:”342″,”view_mode”:”default”,”fields”:{“format”:”default”,”field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]”:”Primary Care Insurance”,”field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]”:”Insurance Accepted for Primary Care”},”type”:”media”,”link_text”:null,”field_deltas”:{“2”:{“format”:”default”,”field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]”:”Primary Care Insurance”,”field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]”:”Insurance Accepted for Primary Care”}},”attributes”:{“alt”:”Primary Care Insurance”,”title”:”Insurance Accepted for Primary Care”,”style”:”float: right; margin-left: 30px;”,”class”:”panopoly-image-original media-element file-default”,”data-delta”:”2″}}]]Less common but still important reasons patients schedule PCP visits include UTIs, skin diseases, digestive disorders, abdominal or chest pains, routine checks and pregnancy visits.

Not having a primary care physician can lead to ignoring or putting off a problem until it’s too late, or unnecessarily visiting an emergency room which costs far more.

AFC Urgent Care makes seeing a primary care physician easy. With same and next day appointments available every day of the week, and seven doctors currently accepting primary care patients at locations throughout the Portland area, there’s no reason to put off scheduling a wellness checkup.

The most common and popular insurance plans are now accepted for primary care visits. Learn more about the types of insurance plans accepted at AFC Urgent Care, or schedule an appointment at a clinic near you today.

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