How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

May 3, 2022

The start of a new year is a great time to reflect, refresh, and set some goals for yourself. Some people have the same goals every year while others like to change it up (sometimes drastically). Unfortunately, making the resolution is the easy part, the hard part is keeping it for the next 364+ days.

The start of a new year is a great time to reflect, refresh, and set some goals for yourself. Some people have the same goals every year while others like to change it up (sometimes drastically). Unfortunately, making the resolution is the easy part, the hard part is keeping it for the next 364+ days. A lot of people, the AFC team included, fall off of their resolutions by the end of March. So, what can we do to help us stick to our goals? Keep reading for some tips!


Start Small

Let’s say your resolution is to eat healthier, instead of cutting all unhealthy food out of your diet try replacing dessert with some fruit 5 times a week. Once that becomes second nature, you can tackle healthier dinners or snacks. According to the American Psychological Association, “unhealthy behaviors develop over time. Thus, replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthy ones requires time. Instead, work toward changing one thing at a time”.


Get Support

Why is this such a common tip? Because the buddy system actually works. According to, “having a solid support system can help you stay motivated and accountable”. Plus, it’s way more fun to go through grueling workouts or learning a new hobby if you have someone by your side.


Renew Your Resolution

Have you ever started the year really excited about your resolution but maybe by March it’s more of a chore and by June it’s not even on your radar? We, and most people, definitely have. Try renewing your resolution every couple of months. Maybe it changes a little, for example, if your resolution is to read more your renewals could go like this:

January: Read More!

April: Read a mystery novel.

July: Read an autobiography.

September: Read a New York Times Bestseller.

December: Read two books this month!

This allows you to refresh and restart your excitement while still maintaining your original goal to read more.

Need Inspiration?

Here are a few of Team AFC’s New Year’s resolutions:

  • Be a better me

  • Go on more road trips

  • Do more yoga

  • Eat healthier (but actually do it this year)

  • Run a marathon

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