Keep Your Health In Check This Holiday Season

May 3, 2022

Between Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner and holiday parties, it’s hard not to indulge on your favorite holiday foods. From turkey smothered in gravy, to macaroni & cheese, to cups of eggnog, eating these fattening foods can potentially increase your cholesterol levels. Foods that are heavy in saturated fats and trans fat have a huge impact on

Between Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner and holiday parties, it’s hard not to indulge on your favorite holiday foods.  From turkey smothered in gravy, to macaroni & cheese, to cups of eggnog, eating these fattening foods can potentially increase your cholesterol levels. 

Foods that are heavy in saturated fats and trans fat have a huge impact on your health, but there are ways you can enjoy your favorite holiday meals without risking your health.

  • Eat in moderation. Eat smaller portion sizes and limit the amount of foods you are eating that are high in saturated and trans fats.
  • Drink in moderation.  Not only should you limit the amount of alcohol you consume, but also limit how much eggnog you drink, as most cups of eggnog equate to almost 300 calories.
  • Choose the healthier options.  Go for the leaner cut of meat, load up on the veggies, avoid foods heavy with dairy products, and opt for whole grain foods.
  • Exercise Often.  Start your New Year resolution early by getting a head start of going to the gym at least 3 times a week and engage in exercises that involve cardio.

While you may only get to eat this kind of food once a year, it’s important to keep your health in check.  With simply lifestyle changes, you can lower your cholesterol all while enjoying the best time of year!

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