When To Get Your Flu Shot for Adults and Children

September 7, 2022

When To Get Your Flu Shot for Adults and Children

Every winter, a new flu vaccine becomes available, but not many people understand when adults and children should receive their shots. This vaccine is important for protecting yourself and your loved ones from contracting the illness this season. Get a head start on your immunization by getting vaccinated for the flu at the correct time each year.

Who Should Get the Flu Vaccine?

The majority of your community should be receiving the flu vaccine. Everyone ages six months and beyond is recommended to get the shot. Pregnant women, young children, elders over the age of 65, and individuals with chronic health conditions are at higher risk for contracting this illness. Even if you do not get sick often, receiving the vaccine could protect your friends and family and prevent spreading the flu to others.

When Is the Correct Time To Vaccinate?

While flu season typically runs from fall to winter and sometimes into spring, the months from December through February are when it’s at the worst. Because of this, you must vaccinate as early as possible to ensure your body builds antibodies before the illness can begin to spread. Ideally, you should get vaccinated between September and October. Your body won’t start building a defense against the flu until two weeks post-vaccination, so getting the shot early helps minimize the chance of it spreading.

There are, however, a few exceptions. Elderly individuals should hold off at first on their shot because the effects of the dose could wear off quickly. This means that the later you vaccinate, the longer you’ll be protected during the season. Children may need to receive their shots early because they could need two doses and enough time to build up their immune systems.

Why You Should Vaccinate

The number one defense against the flu is getting the vaccine. Adults and children should get flu shots to protect themselves and their loved ones. Again, you might not get sick often, but the illness could be severe enough to hospitalize your friends or family, so getting your vaccine is extremely important. AFC Urgent Care has a Raleigh walk-in clinic where you can schedule your shot today.

Do not wait to get your vaccine—if you miss the opportunity during September or October, consider receiving the shot at your convenience to protect yourself for the rest of the season. Remember that high-risk individuals are in danger of hospitalization; protect them by stopping the spread with a vaccine. Schedule your appointment with AFC Urgent Care today and get a head start on the flu season.

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