AFC Urgent Care Raleigh Midtown COVIDsafe Workplace

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(919) 899-4000


The AFC COVIDSAFE WORKPLACE™ program, provided by American Family Care, is the most effective plan to safely get your employees back to work, utilizing FDA/EUA approved COVID-19 testing and workplace screenings for asymptomatic employees. Don’t just guess; your employees are safe. Know it.

  1. Let's talk Consultation. A free consultation over the phone or at your place of business will give us the opportunity to answer any questions you may have about the AFC COVIDSafe
    Workplace™ program and how it can help you safely open and/or maintain your company. During this step we will assess your workforce size, timing needs and workspace (if we will
    be testing on-site). Together, we will then discuss which AFC COVIDSafe Workplace™ program is medically and financially the best fit for your company.

  2. Let's test Implementation. On the day of testing our trained medical professionals will be prepped to receive your asymptomatic employees at our center, or your business, to safely screen
    and/or test your employees based on your tailored program. Depending on the needs of your company, AFC offers COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing to detect active infection, as well as COVID-19 antibody testing to detect past infection and possible COVID-19 immunity. In addition, AFC can provide comprehensive initial health screenings and drug screenings so employees start with a clean bill of health.

  3. Let's monitor Surveillance. While an initial screening of your workforce will add a much higher degree of certainty to your back to work plans, ongoing testing can ensure that your workforce remains healthy and happy as your business navigates through this pandemic.

With the AFC COVIDSafe Workplace™ Program you can be confident that you are not only ensuring the safety of your employees, but that you are also protecting the health of your patrons, your partners and your company’s future. Participation in our comprehensive program shows everyone that you care, and that your business can be trusted with their well-being.

Testing that’s FDA/EUA Approved, AFC Assured.

AFC only administers tests that have been approved by the FDA for emergency use authorization and processed by nationally recognized laboratories.

COVID-19 Diagnostic Test

  • Nasal swab to determine active infection with COVID-19
  • Results in 15min - 30min for in clinic testing and 3-5 days for send out testing.

COVID-19 Antibody Test

  • Blood test to determine past exposure to COVID-19 and possible immunity
  • Results in 3 – 5 days

*While proactive testing through a trusted healthcare partner is currently the best practice to ensure a safe work environment, there is no plan that is
100% effective in eliminating the threat of COVID-19, and false positives and negatives are possible.

Should Your Company Screen and Test? A free consultation could help you:

  • Ensure the safety and security of your employees
  • Protect your company’s bottom line
  • Understand the current state of exposure to your company
  • Plan for returning workers
  • Reduce exposure to your unaffected workforce
  • Maintain/Improve productivity
  • Plan for a possible 2nd wave of infections
  • Test and verify large populations quickly
  • Cost effectively navigate re-opening

Contact Brenda Bates (Center Administrator/LPN at AFC Urgent Care Raleigh Midtown) For More Information at & 919-899-4000, ext 100.

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