AFC Urgent Care Raleigh Midtown DOT Physicals

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DOT Physical Exams in Raleigh, NC

Driving professionally requires many skills, but personal health is critical, too. For this very reason, the Department of Transportation requires regular physicals for every CDL Driver! At AFC Urgent Care Raleigh Midtown, we understand how important DOT Physicals is for our CDL Drivers as well as their Employers, and the other drivers on the road. We follow the strict guidelines provided by FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration).

We take care of you because we want to keep you safe. Each time you get on the road, you are responsible for your safety, as well as the safety of all the people who share the road with you. A DOT medical exam at AFC Urgent Care Raleigh Midtown, will confirm that you are healthy enough to perform your demanding job and keep the roads safe.

Why Choose AFC Urgent Care Raleigh for Your DOT Physical?

For professional drivers, particularly truck and bus drivers, to obtain or maintain a commercial driving license, they must periodically receive a DOT physical. These exams are required by the Department of Transportation (DOT) to ensure nothing will negatively impact their driving performance. Every two years, you need to visit a qualified examiner, a doctor, physician’s assistant, or nurse practitioner and complete your DOT physical. AFC Urgent Care Raleigh Midtown handles countless DOT physical exams in Raleigh, NC, every year, and we know how to get them done efficiently so that you can get the necessary paperwork submitted on time. Best of all, you don’t even need an appointment – just stop right in whenever it’s time for your next exam.

As and added benefit, we use the CerteDrive electronic system. Using CerteDrive allows us to issue DOT driver certifications results in more complete and compliant certifications for every driver. The CerteDrive system creates the federally mandated long form MCSA-5875 and the medical card MCSA-5876 at the end of each certification.

What Do We Look for During Transportation Physicals?

A typical DOT physical begins with a review of your medical history and the medications you take regularly. It will also include:

  • Blood pressure and pulse check
  • Vision test
  • Hearing test
  • Check for spine deformities
  • Examination of mouth and throat for problems breathing or swallowing
  • Examination of coordination and reflexes
  • Listening to your heart and lungs
  • Abdominal check for abnormalities
  • Hernia check
  • Urinalysis for indications of underlying medical conditions

Tips To Know Before You Go

By following these tips, you will save time and potentially money on the day of your DOT physical.

  1. If you wear Glasses or Contacts at any time for any reason, make sure you bring them with you for your eye testing.
  2. If you have already been diagnosed with Hypertension or high blood pressure, it must be under control with or without medication at the time of your physical.
  3. If you wear Hearing Aids, please wear them the day of your physical
  4. If you have Diabetes, you must provide documentation that the condition is under control with or without medication at the time of your physical.
  5. If you have any type of Heart condition, you must provide documentation that the condition is under control with or without medication at the time of your physical.
  6. Be prepared to leave a urine sample! This is a urinalysis and NOT a drug test! It is a basic urinalysis checking for glucose and protein. These things can show up in your urine for a variety of reasons, but the most common are Diabetes and Hypertension.
  7. If you have Sleep Apnea, you Must bring a report showing your last 3 Months of Compliance! This just shows that you have been using it as prescribed by your Provider and getting regular follow ups!

DOT Physical FAQ’s

How long will the DOT physical take?

AFC Raleigh Midtown offers some of the lowest wait times around, so you should be in and out in an hour. Wait times are usually less than fifteen minutes, and the exam takes about thirty minutes.

Is a DOT physical uncomfortable?

A DOT physical is non-invasive and poses no serious health or medical risks. The AFC Raleigh Midtown provider may ask questions about your health that make you uncomfortable, and you will undergo a hernia test that requires the doctor to place their hands on your pelvis.

What happens after my DOT physical?

After you pass your DOT physical, you will receive your Medical Card and your Long Form. While CerteDrive submits all our DOT physicals electronically on the Federal level, All Drivers are responsible to submit their Long Form to their Local DMV for State submissions.

After your exam, the AFC Raleigh Midtown provider will do one of the following:

  • If you pass all parts of the exam, you will get a two-year certificate
  • If it is determined that you need periodic medical monitoring, you will get a certificate that lasts for a shorter period (three, six, twelve months)
  • If you do not pass the exam, you will not receive a certificate and you do Not get a refund. So, please make sure you review our “Tips To Know Before You Go” and make sure you are prepared for your DOT physical.

What happens if my physical reveals I have a medical problem?

If your physical shows a medical issue, your AFC Raleigh Midtown provider will complete your paperwork and, if possible, provide treatment on the spot. Otherwise, follow-up care will be recommended with your primary care doctor or specialist.

What if I’m traveling on my route and can’t visit AFC Raleigh Midtown?

You can stop into any AFC, any time, for DOT physicals in Raleigh, NC. Check out our list of locations to find the one nearest you.

If you do not pass the exam, you will not receive a certificate.

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