June Is Men's Health Month; Men’s Health Concerns And Unintentional Injuries That Need Attending To

May 31, 2023

Man Getting His Physical At AFC Urgent Care Rocky Hill To Prevent Men’s Health Issues

As men, it is crucial to acknowledge that our health undergoes significant changes as we age. Whether it's the weight gained during the COVID-19 pandemic or the realization that we experience more fatigue, aches, and overall unwellness than women in general, these signs serve as indicators for the need to take proactive measures for our health. With aging, we become more susceptible to injuries and health issues, but it is essential to understand that many of these concerns can be prevented through preventative care and attentiveness. In support of Men's Health Month this June, AFC Urgent Care Rocky Hill is here for you, man! 

We can help address your health concerns and unintentional injuries by providing a comprehensive men’s check up focusing on preventative care.

Preventable Health Concerns for Men

Were you aware that cardiovascular disease, including heart disease, ranks as the foremost health issue for men? Uncontrolled blood pressure and unmanaged cholesterol levels can contribute to heart disease, impacting millions of men in the United States annually. Troubling statistics reveal that heart disease often leads to heart attacks and strokes. Another significant concern for men is diabetes, known as a "silent" killer due to its potential onset at an early age without noticeable symptoms. Diabetes increases the risk of developing other hazardous conditions such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, nerve damage, and eye problems. Prevention plays a pivotal role: regular monitoring of blood pressure, blood glucose (A1C), and cholesterol, coupled with exercise, healthy eating habits, and routine check-ups, are essential in combating these health issues.

Promoting Workplace Safety for Men

Statistically, men are more susceptible to workplace injuries compared to women. Each year, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports numerous fatal and nonfatal injuries and illnesses among male workers. While the underlying reasons for this disparity remain subject to debate, the significance of safety precautions cannot be ignored. In observance of Health and Safety Month for the workplace in June, we strongly encourage men to take extra precautions and wear appropriate safety gear to prevent accidents and mishaps. In the event of an injury, AFC Rocky Hill Provides worker compensation services to facilitate recovery and ensure a swift return to work.

AFC Urgent Care Rocky Hill Is Here For You, Man

Men's health should never be disregarded or postponed until problems arise. By prioritizing self-care, preventing health issues, promoting workplace safety, and seeking professional care at AFC Urgent Care Rocky Hill, men can take control of their well-being. Let this Men's Health Month mark the beginning of a lifelong commitment to proactive health measures, ensuring a healthier and happier future.

If you can't recall the last time you had a check-up, it's time to schedule an appointment with us! AFC Urgent Care Rocky Hill offers comprehensive check-ups and screenings for diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and more, seven days a week. Walk-ins are welcome, and you can also make appointments online for a smoother check-in process. We also offer a way for you to pay online. With just a few clicks you will be checked in and checked out.  Additionally, we provide worker compensation services to assist men in recovering and returning to work promptly.

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