RSV in Children: What You Should Know

December 3, 2022

Child with a fever and RSV looking to get tested at AFC Urgent Care Rocky Hill

COVID, flu and now RSV? Oh my!! What’s next? Welcome to this season's viral Trifecta!

RSV is spreading throughout the U.S and children’s hospitals are filling up with children sick with RSV. If you’re unsure if your child has it or how to get tested for it, AFC Urgent Care Rocky Hill has created a guide for you to understand what it is, and what to do if your child gets sick this winter.

What is RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)

RSV is a respiratory virus that causes inflammation and infection of the airways. It is most common in infants and children under 12 months, but can affect all age groups. RSV causes mild, cold-like symptoms such as fever, runny nose and sneezing. The particularity of RSV lies in the fact that it also has an impact on the lungs. It leads to shallow breathing, difficulty breathing, gurgling when exhaling, coughing with small amounts of liquid or mucus (sometimes bloody) and rapid breathing.

Symptoms of RSV

There are a few different symptoms of RSV, and they can range from mild to severe. The most common symptom is a cold, which can include a runny nose, congestion, and coughing. Some children may also have wheezing or trouble breathing. In more severe cases, children may have fever, difficulty eating, or dehydration.

Testing for RSV

When it comes to testing for RSV, there are a few different options available. A nasopharyngeal swab can be used to collect a sample of mucus from the nose, which can then be tested for the presence of the virus. A chest x-ray may also be ordered in order to check for any signs of pneumonia. In some cases, a blood test may also be conducted in order to look for antibodies that indicate an infection.

Luckily for you, AFC Urgent Care Rocky Hill offers the RSV nasal swab test to help you have peace of mind this winter.

Treatment for RSV

There is no specific cure for RSV, but there are treatments that can help relieve symptoms. Treatment for RSV generally focuses on relieving symptoms and supporting the respiratory system.

In mild cases of RSV, home care may be all that is necessary. This can include increasing fluid intake, using a humidifier, and avoiding tobacco smoke. For more severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary. Treatment in the hospital may include oxygen therapy, IV fluids, and medications to help open the airways. In some cases, mechanical ventilation may be necessary.

It is important to seek medical treatment if your child is having difficulty breathing or if their symptoms are severe. Early treatment can help prevent complications and ensure a quicker recovery.

AFC Urgent Care Rocky Hill Can Help Test Your Child For RSV

Unsure if your child is sick with RSV? AFC Urgent Care Rocky Hill offers nasal swab tests for all ages, results available. We hope you don’t get sick, but if you do we also offer flu shots, and urgent care treatment for your urgent care needs.If you haven’t gotten your flu shot, now is the time because December is going to be busy with family gatherings, travel, holiday shopping and more activities that raises your risk of getting sick this holiday season.


Lastly, we offer COVID-19 testing any day of the week. You can walk-in or make an appointment online, any day of the week!

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