Buzz-Worthy Tips for a Sting-Free Season: How to Handle and Prevent Bee Stings And Allergies

September 1, 2024

A diagram of a bee

As the days get warmer and summer transitions into fall, be prepared for the “angry bee season” with tips from AFC Urgent Care Saugus. This time of year can make bees more irritable, but with the right strategies, you can avoid unwanted encounters and manage any stings that do happen.

What Is Angry Bee Season?

Angry bee season generally kicks off in late summer and early fall. During this period, bees become more aggressive. Why? Their food sources are dwindling, and they’re preparing for the cooler months ahead. As temperatures rise and food becomes scarcer, bees get more defensive of their nests and territories, making them more likely to sting if they feel threatened.

Top 5 Tips to Keep The Bees at Ease

  1. Opt for Neutral Colors: Bright, floral patterns might look great, but they’re like a bee magnet. Bees are attracted to colors that resemble the flowers they feed on. To avoid drawing unwanted attention, stick to dark or neutral-colored clothing. It’s a simple way to keep bees from buzzing around you.
  2. Stay Cool and Collected: If a bee decides to pay you a visit, your best move is to stay calm. Quick movements and swatting at the bee can make things worse, provoking it to sting. Instead, stay still and avoid sudden gestures. The more composed you are, the less likely you are to get stung.
  3. Shield Your Snacks: Bees have a sweet tooth! They’re especially drawn to sugary foods and drinks. If you’re enjoying a meal outdoors, cover your food and beverages to keep bees away. Better yet, eat inside whenever possible to avoid attracting them altogether.
  4. Check for Nests: Bees love to build their nests in hidden or sheltered spots. Keep an eye out for nests around your home and garden. If you discover one, don’t try to handle it yourself. Instead, contact a professional to deal with it safely. Disturbing a nest can lead to multiple stings, so it’s best to be cautious.
  5. Act Fast if Stung: If you do get stung, don’t panic. Start by removing the stinger as quickly as possible using a flat object like a credit card. Avoid tweezers, which can squeeze more venom into the wound. Once the stinger is out, wash the area with soap and water to clean the sting site and reduce infection risk. Applying ice can help with swelling and pain—just remember to do it in intervals to prevent skin damage. Lastly, keep an eye out for signs of an allergic reaction, like hives or difficulty breathing. If these occur, seek medical attention right away.

AFC Urgent Care Saugus Is Here for You

At AFC Urgent Care Saugus, we’re open every day to provide care and support during bee season and beyond. Whether you need immediate attention for a bee sting or any other urgent health issue, our doors are always open. We welcome walk-ins and offer the convenience of online appointment scheduling.

We accept most insurance plans and have a straightforward online payment system to make your visit as hassle-free as possible. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing quality care and ensuring your well-being, no matter what the season brings.

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