Could My Sore Throat Be Strep?

July 15, 2018

fbq(‘track’, ‘ViewContentSevierville’); fbq('track', 'ViewContentStrep'); [box type="shadow"]Whether you’re in the Smokies on vacation or live in Sevierville, nobody has time to feel sick during the summer! There’s too much happening to be stuck inside. But sometimes sickness strikes. If you’re experiencing a sore throat and other symptoms, let AFC Urgent Care Sevierville get you back to feeling your best. Do I Have Strep Throat? Not every sore throat is ...

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Why Should I See a Doctor for My Cough?

July 1, 2018

It’s hot in Sevierville! And we usually don’t think about summertime when we’re thinking about developing a cough, because it’s often associated with cold weather. But it’s important to note—a cough can occur at any time of year with a variety of causes. The first step to finding relief? Nailing down the specific cause of your cough. What Is Causing My Cough? A cough can develop for any number ...

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Do I Need to See an ENT for a Sinus Infection?

June 15, 2018

In the hot days of summer in Sevierville, we’re frequently going out into the heat and then back into air conditioned comfort—which can wreak havoc on our sinuses. We’ve all experienced that stuffed up nose or congested feeling from the constant fluctuations in temperature! If you’re experiencing frequent or prolonged issues with your sinuses, though, you may have developed a sinus infection. But help is available. Can I Go to an ...

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Avoid the Summertime Drama of Broken Bones | Gatlinburg, TN Urgent Care

June 1, 2018

fbq(‘track’, ‘ViewContentSevierville’); fbq('track', 'ViewContentBreak'); Oh, summertime—how we love thee. Let us count the ways! It can be easy for all of us to get a little carefree during the summer. But while you want a carefree spirit, our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville wants to emphasize the importance of staying safe. Broken Bones & Kids Did you know that broken bones are among the most frequent injuries in children, especially during the ...

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2 Ways to Lower Your Risk of High Blood Pressure | Pigeon Forge, TN Walk-In Clinic

May 15, 2018

Did you know that more than 100 million Americans have high blood pressure? This condition, also known as hypertension, can cause a variety of symptoms and lead to more serious medical conditions, like heart attack and stroke. But there are steps you can take to lower your risk of developing high blood pressure. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville wants to share two ways you can do just that. Maintain a Healthy Weight As ...

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Protect the Skin You're In With Sun Protection | Pigeon Forge, TN Urgent Care

May 1, 2018

Who’s ready to start enjoying some fun in the sun and exploring everything the Smokies have to offer? We all are! But before you head out into the sun, our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville wants to offer a few tips on how to protect your skin. ##What to Know About Sun Safety Are you heading outside to enjoy the warmer days? Whether going to Dollywood for the day or just enjoying your ...

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Occupational Health Services When Your Company Needs Them | Pigeon Forge, TN Walk-In Clinic

April 15, 2018

fbq(‘track’, ‘ViewContentSevierville’); fbq('track', 'ViewContentOccupational'); Did you know that our medical team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville is certified to help businesses needing occupational services completed? Let’s take a look at ways our occupational health services can benefit your business. Start Your Employee’s First Day Off Right When you are running a business, you want to make sure your employees are as healthy as can be. As a result, pre-employment testing is ...

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How to Help Your Kids Establish Healthy Eating Habits | Pigeon Forge, TN Urgent Care

April 1, 2018

Did you know that we’re more likely to have healthy habits as an adult if we established them as kids? It’s true! That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville wants to help you build healthy eating habits in your little ones—starting today! Rules for Raising Healthy Eaters Think your own eating habits aren’t good enough for you to be teaching your kids healthy habits? Think again! Let’s ...

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Sleep Your Way to Better Health! | Sevierville, TN Walk-In Clinic

March 19, 2018

According to the National Institutes of Health, the average adult sleeps less than seven hours per night. But in actuality, adults should be getting between seven and nine hours of sleep. Are you getting enough? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville wants to help give you some tips on how to improve your sleep habits, starting tonight! Easy Ways to Improve Your Sleep Habits Let’s take a look at some ways you can ...

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Say Goodbye to Spring Allergies, Hello to Fun | Pigeon Forge, TN Urgent Care

March 2, 2018

Who doesn’t love a weekend in the Smokies? But to really enjoy the Smokies, you need to be outdoors—and that’s also where many allergens live. That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville wants to offer some suggestions on keeping allergies at bay so you can get out and have fun! Sneeze No More! Approximately 40 to 60 million Americans suffering from allergies each year. Did you know that your ...

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