Pump Up Your Heart Health | Sevierville, TN Walk-In Clinic

February 2, 2018

February is the month of love, but Valentine’s Day isn’t the only holiday related to the heart this month! This month is also American Heart Month, a month designated to raise awareness about the single largest cause of death among Americans—heart disease. That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville would like to share some tips for better heart health! Protect Your Heart First, exercise is a must. As you ...

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Is It the Common Cold or Just Your Allergies? | Pigeon Forge, TN Walk-In Clinic

January 15, 2018

fbq(‘track’, ‘ViewContentSevierville’); fbq('track', 'ViewContentCold'); Are you under the weather? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville wants to get you back in better health. The first step to making that happen? Determining what kind of illness has you down and out. Making Sense of Sickness The holidays are gone, and now it seems like it’s the season of stuffy noses, sore throats and watery eyes here in Pigeon Forge! To treat your ...

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4 Steps to Healthy Living in 2018 | Sevierville, TN Walk-In Clinic

January 3, 2018

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville hopes you all had a wonderful holiday season with your family! With the holiday season behind us, has your focus turned to resolutions for the new year? Here’s to a happier, healthier 2018! Getting Healthy and Staying Healthy in the New Year Have you resolved to live a healthier lifestyle in 2018? Let’s take a look at a few ways you can do just that. First ...

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Find the Right Balance for Your Health This Christmas | Sevierville, TN Walk-In Clinic

December 15, 2017

Between the delicious treats and work potlucks, how in the world are we all going to be able to stay healthy during the holiday season? Well, our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville just might have the answer about how to stay in good health while enjoying the holiday season! It’s a balancing act, after all! Make Holiday Choices With Your Health in Mind Sometimes people assume that in order to stay healthy over ...

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A Smoky Mountain Holiday Season | Gatlinburg, TN Walk-In Clinic

December 1, 2017

“No matter what, I always make it home for Christmas. I love to go to my Tennessee Mountain Home and invite all of my nieces and nephews and their spouses and kids and do what we all like to do—eat, laugh, trade presents and just enjoy each other…and sometimes I even dress up like Santa Claus!”—Dolly Parton There are no words for what our Smoky Mountain community is like come the holiday ...

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Warm Up Your November | Gatlinburg, TN Walk-In Clinic

November 15, 2017

When the weather outside is frightful, it’s a good time to make sure your body is doing its part to keep you warm. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville wants to help you get your blood flowing and improve your circulation in order to keep you comfortable this November. Go with the Flow When many people think about improving their health, they consider their heart health, eating habits, weight maintenance, etc. However, blood ...

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The Power of Gratitude | Gatlinburg, TN Walk-In Clinic

November 1, 2017

You know the importance of eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, not smoking and getting plenty of sleep. But our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville wants to tell you the role that gratitude plays in maintaining good health. Time to Give Thanks Did you know that the act of consistently practicing gratitude on a daily basis can help to increase a person’s happiness level by 25 percent? But the benefits of gratitude don’t ...

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What You Can Do to Lower Your Diabetes Risk | Gatlinburg, TN Walk-In Clinic

October 16, 2017

According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 30.3 million Americans have diabetes. What can you do to avoid becoming part of that statistic? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville has some suggestions. Take Action Against Diabetes For those diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, the body simply doesn’t produce enough insulin. That condition is largely genetic. Type 2 diabetes, though, is often preventable. First, you want to maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight ...

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Fall Fun, Fall Fun Everywhere… | Sevierville, TN Walk-In Clinic

October 3, 2017

Move over, Sevier County Fair! Now that the fair has come and gone, it’s time to focus on other great events happening in and around our area this fall! To make sure you’re healthy and ready to enjoy all the fall fun, AFC Urgent Care Sevierville would like to offer a few tips. Protect Your Health This Fall Who wants to be stuck in bed with an illness when there are so many ...

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There's No Time for the Flu When There's Fun to Be Had! | Gatlinburg, TN Walk-In Clinic

September 18, 2017

fbq(‘track’, ‘ViewContentSevierville’); fbq('track', 'ViewContentFlu'); At the first sign of a snow flurry, everyone runs to the store for milk and bread. The same is true when the temperature drops. Once the weather swings in a colder direction, people begin to starting take note of the flu season that’s just around the corner. Fortunately, our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville is equipped to help you combat flu season this year! Don’t ...

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