How Long Do Fevers Last?

December 13, 2022

A fever is a relatively common side effect of illness, especially influenza. If you experience a fever while you are sick, don’t panic! Fevers are our bodies’ natural response to illness. Some fevers might appear with no other symptoms other than the reading on the thermometer, while others may cause us to feel really sick. In either case, they can be helpful! Read on to learn more about fevers from our AFC Urgent Care ...

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What Can a Flu Shot Do for Me?

December 1, 2022

The cold and flu season is unwelcome for parents and kids alike! No one wants to get sick, especially as the holidays loom closer. That is why we recommend that everyone get their yearly flu shot as soon as possible, if you haven’t already. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville explains the importance of an annual flu shot below. Is the Flu Shot the Same Every Year? Viruses are evolving and changing all ...

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Can I Treat a Headache at Home?

November 15, 2022

Any time your head starts to hurt, it can feel worrisome. This is probably due to the fact that head pain causes can range from mild dehydration all the way to a blood clot or stroke! Since head pain can be as simple as a minor nuisance or as serious as a life threatening condition, it is important to know when it is OK to stay home to treat your symptoms and when seeking medical ...

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Who Is at Risk of a Severe RSV Infection?

November 1, 2022

You have probably heard before that RSV is particularly dangerous for infants and small children, but did you know that adults can contract it as well? While it is true that the more severe infections are more common in infants, adults can still feel the effects as well. RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, attaches itself to the lungs and respiratory tract and can produce a wide variety of symptoms. Our AFC Urgent Care Sevierville team ...

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Are Antibiotics Off-Limits If I Am Pregnant?

October 15, 2022

Expecting a new baby is such an exciting part of life. Building the crib, painting the nursery and watching your baby grow are all such fulfilling activities! Along with the excitement, however, comes the increased risk of illness. If you are sick, seeking relief is usually at the top of your mind, but it needs to be done carefully in order to avoid any unpleasant side effects or risks. Antibiotics fall into the “sometimes OK ...

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What Can Help My Vertigo Symptoms?

October 3, 2022

If you have vertigo, you are all too familiar with that sickening spinning and shifting sensation. Vertigo symptoms are much more than just a quick bout of dizziness! Knowing what vertigo is and how to help alleviate your symptoms can help you feel better while you wait for it to resolve. Let our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville walk you through all things related to vertigo below. What Can I Expect From a Vertigo ...

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Can I Self-Diagnose Scoliosis in My Child?

September 15, 2022

As your child grows, he or she will go through many well-child checks to ensure healthy development and growth. If you start to notice a change in his or her spine after a growth spurt between appointments, you may wonder if scoliosis is to blame. If your child has scoliosis, it means that his or her spine has grown into an “S” or “C” shape instead of the normal vertical line. It may be visible ...

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Why Is Getting Tested for an STD Necessary?

September 1, 2022

Contracting an STD is like contracting any other illness. Failure to test and diagnose the specific problem leaves you vulnerable to your infection getting worse and increases your chance of spreading it to other people. Protecting your sexual health is one of the best things you can do for yourself! Getting tested for an STD is important when you change partners, enter a new relationship or if you start to experience any sort of unpleasant ...

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What Can Cause Sudden Asthma in Adults?

August 16, 2022

If you have recently noticed an increase in wheezing, coughing and trouble breathing after exercise or exertion, there is a chance that you have developed asthma! Did you know that some adults can actually develop asthma later in life even if they didn’t have it as children? It’s not uncommon to have individuals in their 50s or 60s get an asthma diagnosis after living the majority of their lives without it. Typically, a ...

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What Are Some Common Sports-Related Injuries?

August 4, 2022

Stay active and participating in their favorite sports is great for kids’ bodies and minds. However, whether they are participating in a structured activity or just playing ball outside, there is always a risk that they could get hurt. Would you know how to help your child if he or she came to you complaining of an injury? We deal with sports-related injuries quite often at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville, so we can offer some ...

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