How Can I Tell the Difference Between Psoriasis and Eczema?

April 13, 2024

by  | Apr 14, 2024 | Healthy Living

How Can I Tell the Difference Between Psoriasis and Eczema?

Springtime is always an exciting experience with the abundance of new life in our yards and beyond throughout the great outdoors. The Sevierville area is full of people who love being outside and with the better weather, even more drop in for a visit. One of your springtime rituals is taking an ATV trip into the mountains in late April while your favorite wildflowers are blooming. This Spring, though, you are wondering if it’s such a clever idea because you are dealing with red angry-looking skin. It reminds you of your dad’s psoriasis and you aren’t thrilled.

Skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema can be difficult to tell apart leaving sufferers confused about how to deal with their skin condition. Red, itchy patches characterize both conditions making understanding the nuances between these two dermatological ailments crucial for effective treatment. Whether you’re experiencing skin flare-ups for the first time or seeking clarity on a longstanding condition becoming better can help you find relief and better understand how your doctor can help you.

What is Psoriasis?

In psoriasis, skin cells pile up making the skin on the affected areas of the body thicker, dry, and painful. This is due to the immune system secreting inflammatory markers which causes skin cells to overgrow and shed every 7 days vs. the normal 21 days. Psoriasis commonly shows up between the ages of 15 and 35. Older adults around age 60 may also see a re-emergence of symptoms. The thicker skin patches of Psoriasis are called scales.

Psoriasis Symptoms:

  • Red plaques with silvery scales on lighter skin, purplish or discolored skin on skin of color
  • Usually appears on elbows, kneecaps, upper buttocks, fingernails, hands, and the scalp, but can also cover the entire body.
  • Skin is more inflamed than with eczema.
  • May be itchy or not.
  • Family genetics, environmental factors, and certain medications all factor in the development or triggering of psoriasis. Stress is another key factor in psoriasis flares, so it is suggested that those affected seek activities such as meditation, exercise, and therapy to help reduce overall stress levels and improve mental well-being.

Psoriasis is typically diagnosed through examination by a trained physician. If they feel they need more information or are unsure of the proper diagnosis, they may request a skin biopsy.

How Can I Identify Eczema?

The skin’s job is to act as a barrier protecting the body from outside contaminants and allowing things such as moisture to move out of the body. Researchers have found a subset of eczema patients where a gene responsible for the protective layer on top of the skin has mutated leaving the skin weakened—vulnerable to dryness, contaminants, and more prone to flare-ups and infection. The term ‘eczema’ describes a group of seven conditions that cause a rash-like appearance and inflamed itchy skin. When the immune system releases inflammatory markers to the skin, the skin gives in to inflammation and breaks down causing red, weepy, and itchy skin.

Eczema is four times more common than psoriasis with the most ordinary form of eczema, atopic dermatitis, often occurring in babies and children along with hay fever and asthma. These three conditions are called the “atopic triad.” Eczema affects more than 9.6 million children and 16.5 million adults.

Eczema Symptoms:

  • Dry patches, bumps, or fluid-filled blisters on the skin
  • Lighter skin- Patches of dry red bumpy skin with less defined borders than plaque psoriasis
  • Darker skin tones- patches of darker brown, grey, or purple with swelling and dryness
  • Eczema is described as “the itch that rashes” due to its intense itch.
  • If you have begun treatment for eczema with a topical cream or a biologic (a drug targeting only a specific part of the immune system) and find that your rash gets worse or becomes more defined, you may have psoriasis.

Eczema is triggered by cold dry weather, skin infections, food allergies, certain materials worn near the skin, and allergies to dust mites, animals, pollen, and molds. In women, hormonal changes associated with their monthly cycle or pregnancy can also contribute to flare-ups. In all, there are seven different variations of eczema, and it is possible to have more than one at the same time.

To diagnose eczema your doctor will review your medical history, examine your skin, and review your symptoms. Your doctor may decide to have allergy testing done to identify any allergens and rule out other diseases.

What are Key Differences Between Psoriasis and Eczema?

One way to differentiate between eczema and psoriasis relates to where on the body the affected skin appears. Eczema tends to occur on flexural skin surfaces, or the skin on the inside of a bendy part such as the back of the knee. Psoriasis tends to show up on extensor skin surfaces, or the outside of bendy parts like the kneecap. Eczema and psoriasis can both affect the feet, but the involvement of the soles of the feet usually points to psoriasis.

Both conditions cause itching and otherwise uncomfortable skin. Eczema causes dry skin with an intense itch, whereas psoriasis produces more of a burning or stinging sensation—if there is an itch, it tends to be mild. A single test cannot diagnose either disease. Diagnosis is typically based on a physical exam and review of symptoms.

The biggest difference between the two diseases is their causes. Psoriasis is the result of an underlying immune system dysfunction causing skin cells to grow too fast. The causes of eczema are more complicated to identify with both environmental and genetic factors at play.

How are Psoriasis and Eczema Treated?

Eczema and psoriasis share similar treatments including:

  • Over-the-counter medications: Aimed at relieving symptoms or preventing infection.
  • Topicals: Prescribed medications applied on the affected skin.
  • Phototherapy: Light therapy that uses a machine under medical supervision to create UVB light to reduce itch and inflammation, while boosting the skin’s bacteria-fighting.
  • Biologics: Medications that target the inflammation-causing protein, usually given by injection or intravenous (IV) infusion.
  • Systemics: Oral medications that control immune system response and reduce inflammation in severe cases.

There is no prevention of Eczema and psoriasis, but you can take steps to lessen flare-ups:

  • Moisturize: Keep skin moist with lotions or creams
  • Soaps: Use mild soaps and detergents
  • Avoid known triggers: alcohol, skin injuries and infection, dry skin, certain medications
  • Sun: Avoid excessive exposure to the sun and skip tanning beds
  • Stress: Manage your stress through diet, exercise, meditation

Both psoriasis and eczema are complex skin conditions that can significantly impact your quality of life. Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition characterized by the rapid growth of skin cells, resulting in thick, red patches with silvery scales while eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder marked by red, itchy patches that can vary in severity.

Individuals with psoriasis or eczema will find the best relief by working closely with healthcare professionals and developing a personalized treatment plan addressing their specific needs. While living with psoriasis or eczema may present challenges, it is important to remember that there is hope for finding relief through medical means and lifestyle changes that will improve your quality of life as you navigate the frustrations of dealing with skin issues.

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