Do COVID Symptoms Come On Suddenly?

January 26, 2022

Amid the current global pandemic happening worldwide, people are naturally anxious about the symptoms of the virus. People often overstress themselves anytime they develop symptoms similar to that of COVID-19.

Luckily, vaccines are now available to take care of the deadly virus. You can be sure of a certain degree of protection against the virus. That, however, does not mean you shouldn't adhere to the laid down COVID-19 guidelines. Prevention is better than cure, according to a general principle. This makes more sense when the infection in mention is a viral infection. You still have to be as health cautious as you were some months back and watch out for some of the prominent symptoms.

AFC Urgent Care Short Hills provides COVID testing and health recommendations to all patients in need. Visit our walk-in center to be tested and seen by one of our board-certified providers. 

Early Symptoms And Development Of COVID-19


Side effects of COVID-19 by and large seem to occur two to fourteen days after exposure. After contracting the virus, the virus spreads across the body within a week before you begin to show symptoms.

The infection spreads effectively through saliva, sweat, or mucus. But not all infected individuals show symptoms. The infection can be asymptomatic sometimes, but this doesn't stop the spread of the virus. 


Proper handwashing has been proven valuable in forestalling the spread of sickness. 


The incubation period refers to the duration of time between contracting the virus to an infection period when the burst size of the replicating virus is enough to trigger a cytokine storm and cause indicated symptoms.


Most people show signs of infection within 14 days of contracting the virus. In certain individuals, it may take longer before symptoms begin to manifest, as they might be asymptomatic.



Symptoms Of CoronaVirus

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath

  • Body ache

  • Weakness

  • Muscle ache

  • New loss of smell or taste

  • Nasal blockage or a runny nose

  • Migraine

  • Sore throat

  • Vomiting or Nausea

  • Diarrhea


Symptoms That Require Immediate Medical Attention


  • Difficulty In Breathing

  • Bluish lips or face

  • Pressure in the chest or persistent pain.


COVID-19 Warning Signs


Emergency warning signs for COVID-19 indicate how the infective markers develop in a patient's blood and body immune system.

Warning Signs are naturally observed in individuals with certain medical conditions, such as lung condition, heart condition, diabetes, liver disease, etc.


Examples Of COVID Warning Signs


  1. Troubled breathing

  2. Failure to stay awake for quite a while

  3. Adamant chest pain


Every patient should contact a medical health provider if they start showing any signs indicated in the lists above.


How Can COVID-19 Be Prevented

  1. It is vital to get the COVID-19 vaccine to shield yourself and other people from getting sick.

  2. Put on a well-fitting face mask in public or a group gathering.

  3. Remain at home, assuming you are debilitated, and converse with your primary care physician for direction on what to do straight away.

  4. Sneeze with a tissue, cover your cough, or cough into your upper sleeve or elbow. Try not to cough into your open hands.

  5. Always endeavor to wash your hands with soap and water after going to the bathroom, before eating, cleaning out your nose, and sneezing. 

  6. It would be best to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol. 

  7. Try not to touch your face and nose with your hands constantly.


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