Am I at Risk of Developing Salmonella?

June 24, 2023


Infections come in all shapes and sizes, and each one has the potential to infect you in a different part of your body. When it comes to salmonella infections, your intestinal tract is affected and it causes gastrointestinal symptoms to appear.

A salmonella infection is a kind of food poisoning that you contract when you eat or drink contaminated food or water. Often, symptoms of salmonella look like the stomach flu or stomach bug.

Our AFC Urgent Care Arden team is here to explain what a salmonella infection looks and feels like below, so read on to learn more.

Where Does Salmonella Come From?

Salmonella is a type of bacteria that is found often in animal feces. If you consume food that has the bacteria on it or produce that hasn’t been washed, you can become sick. Salmonella is often found on unwashed fruits and veggies, raw eggs, and undercooked meat. It can also be found in certain water sources if the water has been contaminated.

Once consumed, the bacteria will make its way into your intestinal tract. Your symptoms can appear in as little as eight hours or up to a few days later. Symptoms can last for up to a week and make you feel really miserable!

Symptoms to Expect

  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Headache

Can I Recover From Salmonella on My Own?

Most people recover from a salmonella infection on their own in about four to seven days. In the meantime, rest, eat bland foods like bananas or toast and lay low for a few days. In addition, try to drink water throughout each day even if you don’t feel thirsty. Diarrhea can easily dehydrate a person, so try to keep dehydration at bay.

If you are ever concerned about your symptoms or start to feel worse instead of better after a few days, come see us. Certain people like infants, children and those with chronic medical conditions are at risk of a more severe infection, and it is possible for salmonella bacteria to travel beyond the intestines and cause more issues. Stop by and we will care for you.

Signs You Should Come to AFC

  • Symptoms last more than a few day.
  • You experience bloody stools.
  • You have a high-grade fever of 102 degrees or higher that won’t go away.
  • You are severely dehydrated, with dark-colored urine and a dry mouth or tongue.

Stomach issues can be really frustrating. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Arden for a diagnosis.

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