How Often Do I Need to Come in for an STD Test?

July 14, 2023

Taking care of your body should always be your top priority. Eating right, getting good sleep and exercising regularly may all be at the top of your lists, but getting tested for STDs should actually be on there, too. If you are sexually active, STDs are always a risk no matter your situation. While you should certainly get tested if you are experiencing symptoms, you also should be tested regularly even if you aren’t ...

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Do I Need to Worry About Lyme Disease?

July 6, 2023

We are in the heart of the summer season here in the Arden area, and we are glad for it! However, with the increased time spent outside running around in the grass and exploring our community, you need to be on the lookout for ticks. Ticks are everywhere right now, so recognizing them and removing them from your clothes and body quickly can help reduce your risk of contracting Lyme disease this season. Read on ...

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