Are Fractures Obvious When They Happen?

June 15, 2023

No one ever wants to get hurt, but sometimes it’s just a part of life. If you are an active person, it’s bound to happen every once in a while.

While minor injuries like cuts and scrapes will heal on their own, serious injuries like broken bones need to be treated to avoid further injury.

No matter how the injury occurs, it can be a scary experience! Broken bones are usually pretty obvious, but some fractures can be a bit more tricky.

Our AFC Urgent Care Arden team explains what to look for below, so read on to learn more.

What Happens When a Bone Fractures?

Our bones don’t get enough credit for what they do for us on the daily. They provide us with structure and protect our vital organs from harm! In order to do all this, they need to be strong to withstand regular life. They also have a little flexibility to them to help absorb mild-to-moderate impacts.

While your bones are great at helping you prevent many injuries, they aren’t invincible! If a fall or impact is strong enough, the pressure can cause the bone to crack or split. If you suffer a fracture, that means the bone hasn’t broken completely. Fractures may not look obvious outside your skin, but any tenderness, pain with touch or movement, or swelling should be investigated right away.

Bones That Commonly Experience Fractures

  • Wrists
  • Ankles
  • Hips
  • Clavicle (collarbone)

How Can AFC Diagnose Fractures?

Come see us for a quick X-ray! We can do a quick medical history and visual exam and then take you back for a digital X-ray. Digital X-rays are similar to traditional X-rays in that they use X-ray beams, but the image is downloaded onto a computer rather than on film.

It is important that you get fractures diagnosed and treated as soon as these injuries occur. Failing to treat them can lead to worsening fractures or an even complete break. If we do see a fracture on the X-ray, we can discuss next steps and treatment options so you can make a full recovery.

Digital X-ray Benefits

  • Reduced radiation exposure
  • Clearer images
  • Fast turnaround
  • Reduced environmental impact

Our X-ray technology can help you feel better faster. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Arden for an X-ray today.

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