Can a Fever Last Longer Than a Day?

September 1, 2023

Now that our kids are back in school and we have the home, work, school and activities routine down for another year, we all cross our fingers and hope to avoid the slew of illnesses circulating about.

Unfortunately, chances are that at least one of your kids will get sick in the next few months. That’s just the nature of having little kids in the school system! While there are many different illnesses that could make your child sick, one common symptom among them is a fever.

Our AFC Urgent Care Arden team is here to help set your mind at ease about fevers, so read on to learn how they can actually help your child feel better faster.

What Are the Benefits of a Fever?

You might have been taught that treating a fever is always recommended, but that is not necessarily true. While it is true that you can offer OTC medication if your child is feeling sick or the fever is making him or her shiver or have body aches, you don’t need to treat it if your child is feeling otherwise fine.

This is because a fever is actually a natural immune response to a virus or a bacteria. Your body recognizes these infections as invaders and starts to heat up to create a hostile environment for the infection to grow. A warmer environment makes it harder for the cells to grow and replicate while also making it easier for your child’s immune response to work. Cool, right? So rather than treat the fever, focus on the resulting symptoms and treat as necessary.

Common Childhood Illnesses That Cause Fevers

  • Influenza
  • Ear Infections
  • Chickenpox
  • Respiratory infections
  • Urinary tract infections

How Long Is Too Long for a Fever?

Your child’s body is hard at work for a few days while it fights off the infection. Most fevers only last for a few hours or a day until it starts to fade away. In the meantime, keep your child comfortable and offer food and water when you can.

Come see us if your child’s fever lasts more than three days or if it reaches 103 degrees or higher. That can sometimes indicate a more serious situation or a more complicated diagnosis. In any case, we will evaluate him or her and find the best course of action forward together.

Symptoms That Can Accompany a Dangerous Fever

  • Sensitivity to Light
  • Confusion
  • A spreading rash
  • Seizures
  • Stiff neck

Fevers can be frustrating to deal with at home. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Arden any day of the week.

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