How Can I Stay Healthy This Holiday Season?

November 17, 2023

It’s a holly, jolly time around here in the Arden community! All of the fun family events and upcoming holiday traditions are enough to make any household swell with a sense of contentment and happiness at this time of year.

However, lurking just out of sight are all of the different illnesses and infections that someone in your family could come down with that could derail all of your holiday plans.

Our AFC Urgent Care Arden team wants you to stay as healthy as possible this season, so read on to learn more about some different ways to avoid getting sick as the holidays progress.

How Can I Avoid Illness From Infections?

While it may seem impossible to completely avoid getting sick at this time of year, taking care of yourself is one of the best ways to avoid infection and other frustrating conditions. If you are feeling run down, stressed or less than your best, an infection can easily get past your immune system and cause you to get sick.

Prioritize washing your hands often with warm, soapy water, and be mindful about spending time in large gatherings. This is especially true if you know someone or multiple people there aren’t feeling well. Try to get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night and eat a healthy diet. It may not seem like much, but all of these simple tasks come together to help your immune system fight off illness more effectively.

Other Holiday Health Tips

  • Bundle up when it is cold outside.
  • Get your flu vaccine.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Wear your seatbelt while traveling.

Can I Avoid Getting a Foodborne Illness?

One of the more unsuspecting categories of illness is foodborne illness, but that doesn’t make these infections any less unpleasant. Whether you are a great cook or your in-laws always go over the top for their table spread, the longer food sits out, the higher the risk that bacteria has started to grow.

Be sure any meat that is served has been cooked to its recommended temperature, and sit everyone down to eat as soon as the food is ready. Store leftovers right away and throw out any perishable food that has been sitting out for more than two hours. Dangerous bacteria can start to grow on food that has warmed up or cooled down and this bacteria can make your entire party sick a few days later.

More Kitchen Safety Tips

  • Use designated cutting boards for raw meat and produce.
  • Wash hands before handling food.
  • Don’t cook when you aren’t feeling well.
  • Understand specific allergies or dietary restrictions for those attending your party.

We wish you a safe and happy holiday season! Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Arden if you aren’t feeling well.

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