How Can I Stop Smoking?

August 3, 2023

Stopping an addictive habit is one of the hardest things you can set out to do. It takes so much willpower and dedication to change your life if you have been struggling with this habit for years or the majority of your life.

Smoking is one of those habits that has no health benefits to you and will only cause you struggles later in life with health complications and physical changes to your body.

Our AFC Urgent Care Arden team explains why smoking is addictive, and we offer some tips on how to quit, so read on to learn more.

How Is Tobacco Addictive?

Cigarettes contain nicotine, which causes dopamine to be released into your brain when the smoke is inhaled into your lungs. Dopamine is a hormone that makes you feel happy, satisfied and relaxed. Think of it as the reward center for your brain. Over time, your brain becomes reliant on this feeling and will want it all the time.

The urge to smoke comes from your body wanting that dopamine release, and it can be a really strong craving when it hits. However, if you hang in there and distract yourself for about five to 10 minutes, the strongest feelings will pass. Each time you resist the craving, you are taking steps to quit the habit for good.

Diseases Associated With Chronic Smoking

  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Lung cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Emphysema

How Can I Quit Smoking?

Quitting your habit is incredibly personalized. You will have to find what works for you and stick to it! One of the most important parts of quitting is figuring out the driving reason why you want to quit. Once you have that as your main focus, you can overcome those cravings by focusing on your loved ones, better health or a longer life.

It is also helpful to remove yourself from situations where smoking is commonplace for you. Bars, parties and even alongside your morning cup of coffee can be places where it is habit to light a cigarette. Make some lifestyle changes like going for a walk when you feel those cravings coming on or listen to some music while you focus on housework instead.

Benefits of Quitting Tobacco

  • Stronger, less damaged lungs
  • Reduced risk for cancer and other diseases
  • Improved physical appearance and senses
  • Eliminated secondhand smoke at home for your family

We are always here for you. Stop by AFC Urgent Care Arden any day of the week.

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