How Important is Fiber?

April 27, 2024

by  | Apr 28, 2024 | Healthy Living

How Important is Fiber?

Juice has been your go-to energy booster in your busy life. You love few things more than a delightful and refreshing concoction of fresh pressed juice you can grab quickly as you head out. While ordering at one of your favorite spots, the smoothies and bowls have been catching your attention because you are considering swapping out some of your juices and adding more whole food options as a way of increasing your daily fiber intake.

In the perpetual quest for better health, the significance of dietary fiber often gets overlooked and obscured by mountains of nutritional advice. Fiber is a vital component of a balanced diet and its benefits extend far beyond mere digestive regularity. From protecting against chronic diseases to nurturing our gut microbiome, fiber plays a pivotal role in maintaining overall wellness. How much fiber do we need, and how can we ensure an adequate intake?

Why Should I Eat More Fiber?

From mitigating the risk of heart disease and lowering cholesterol levels to potentially reducing inflammation and even lowering the risk of certain cancers, fiber is a cornerstone of optimal health. Fiber, derived from plant-based sources, comes in two main forms: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber absorbs water, forming a gel-like substance during digestion, while insoluble fiber remains intact, aiding in bowel movement and gut health. Both types are abundant in various fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, each contributing unique health benefits.

One type of fiber found in whole grains and plants is called arabinoxylan fiber (AX), some of this type of fiber is water soluble, and some is not. Inulin fiber (LCI) is a soluble starchy fiber found in a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Researchers have discovered that these two fibers produce different results according to different health markers. Lower cholesterol and a reduction in bile acids that cholesterol creates were associated with AX while increased beneficial gut bacterium were associated with LCI. It is important to note that LCI fiber contains the prebiotic fructan which can cause significant digestive distress among those who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). These soluble fibers can help reduce total blood cholesterol, blood glucose levels, and decrease the risk of heart disease. In one study of fiber supplements, some participants saw an increase in inflammation when they used an LCI supplement along with an increase in a biological chemical that can signal liver damage.

Fiber-rich diets are linked with lower mortality rates, highlighting their crucial role in overall well-being.

As you work to increase your fiber consumption remember to:

  • Drink fluids— some types of fiber absorb water, so being well hydrated can help prevent uncomfortable bowel movements
  • Check labels— when buying packaged foods, check the nutrition label for fiber content as it can vary between brands
  • Start slow— increase your fiber intake gradually over a few weeks to avoid intestinal gas, diarrhea, cramping, and bloating
  • Begin with whole foods—supplements are convenient, but not well studied and may decrease beneficial gut bacteria. If you are allergic to ragweed, you should know that inulin fiber (LCI) supplements are often derived from chicory which is related to ragweed.

How Much Fiber is Enough?

How much daily fiber you need depends on your age and how many calories you need to consume each day. The United States Department of Agriculture suggests the following dietary guidelines for Americans:

  • Children 12 to 23 months –19 grams of fiber per day
  • People 2 years and older—14 grams of fiber per every 1,000 daily calories

According to the USDA, the current American diet consists of just 8.1 g of fiber per 1,000 calories and other studies place average adult intake at 15 grams a day. That’s just half of what the American Heart Association recommends. The organization’s eating plan recommends adults get 25 to 30 grams of fiber from a variety of food fiber sources, not supplements. There are no dietary guidelines specifically related to insoluble and soluble fiber intake, however, many experts recommend that 6-8 grams of fiber per day come from soluble fiber sources. As elimination diets such as “paleo,” “keto” and gluten-free have become more mainstream they are contributing to the avoidance of fiber-rich whole grains and the health benefits they can provide.

Practical Tips for Boosting Fiber Consumption:

Increasing fiber intake doesn’t have to be daunting and simple adjustments are a terrific way to begin.

  1. Eat more fruit, especially those with edible peels and seeds
  2. Incorporate more high-fiber whole grains into your meals
  3. Learn about fiber-dense legumes and how to prepare them, make it fun by exploring the food of various cultures
  4. Reach for vegetables when you want a snack and add more of them to meals
  5. If you want some crunch, reach for a handful of raw nuts rather than snack chips

Fiber-Microbiome Connection

One of the most intriguing aspects of fiber lies in its interaction with our gut microbiome—the vast ecosystem of microorganisms residing in our digestive tract. High-fiber foods serve as nourishment for beneficial gut bacteria, fostering microbial diversity and bolstering immune function. Consequently, prioritizing fiber-rich foods can have profound implications for gut health and overall immunity. The low-fiber diets of today may have an unintended effect on future generations as well. In 2019, the Stanford School of Medicine conducted a study of low-fiber diets typical in industrialized societies. They fed mice typical low-fiber diets which are recognized to decrease the diversity of the gut microbiome. They found that the diet created internal deficiencies which were passed to future generations causing an irreversible loss of crucial gut microorganism diversity.

The journey towards optimal health is informed by recognizing the indispensable role of fiber in our diets. By prioritizing fiber-rich foods and making conscious dietary choices, we pave the way for a healthier future—one that recognizes the relationship between nutrition, gut health, and overall well-being.

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