How Often Do I Need to Come in for an STD Test?

July 14, 2023

STD blood test sample

Taking care of your body should always be your top priority. Eating right, getting good sleep and exercising regularly may all be at the top of your lists, but getting tested for STDs should actually be on there, too.

If you are sexually active, STDs are always a risk no matter your situation. While you should certainly get tested if you are experiencing symptoms, you also should be tested regularly even if you aren’t.

Our AFC Urgent Care Arden team explains why you should receive regular STD tests, so read on to learn more.

What Are the Symptoms of an STD?

It can be really frustrating to not feel your best, especially if your symptoms are persistent. Burning during urination, abnormal discharge and pain during or after intercourse are all indications that something is amiss. The trouble with STDs, however, is that you could be experiencing one and never show any symptoms.

This is why routine testing is so important! You should be coming in any time you are switching partners or entering into a new relationship. A simple rapid test can help identify if you are experiencing an STD, and we can help treat it quickly.

Common STD Tests at AFC Arden

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Syphilis
  • Trichomoniasis
  • HPV

What Does STD Treatment Look Like?

A simple blood draw, urine sample or swab at the infection site will be run through our lab, and if any of the tests come back positive, we can discuss proper treatment options. Antibiotics are one of the most common treatments and we can prescribe the right medication for you right in our center.

Treating any STDs right away is the most reliable way to avoid a more severe infection and health complications later in life. If you fail to treat your STD, you only increase your risk of experiencing infertility, pregnancy complications or more serious diseases down the road. We always have your best interests at heart, so let us care for you when it comes to your sexual health.

Avoiding STDs in the Future

  • Test yourself before and after entering a new relationship.
  • Communicate clearly with your partner.
  • Wear a condom.
  • Get vaccinated against hepatitis A, hepatitis B and HPV.

Are you concerned that you contracted an STD? Come get tested at AFC Arden today.

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