Is There Anything I Can Do to Treat Seasonal Allergies?

June 24, 2023


If you suffer from seasonal allergies, know that you certainly are not alone. More than 80 million Americans experience seasonal allergy symptoms every year, making it the most common condition in the United States.

Now that we are in the heart of allergy season, chances are that your symptoms have made an appearance in a big way. If you are looking for ways to help reduce your symptoms, our AFC Urgent Care Arden team offers some tips below, so read on.

Why Does Pollen Affect Me?

Pollen is the most common reason for people’s seasonal allergy flare-ups. When the trees, flowers and even grasses start to bloom, pollen is released into the air. While pollen itself isn’t life threatening, sometimes our bodies can mistakenly interpret harmless substances as intruders.

When that happens, your body will start to launch an immune response to help get rid of the intruder, which in this case is pollen. This response involves the release a compound called histamine that causes your symptoms to appear. The runny nose and watery eyes are your body’s way of getting rid of that pesky pollen.

The Most Common Spring Allergy Symptoms

  • Runny nose
  • Itchy, watery or red eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Headache

Can I Treat All of My Seasonal Allergy Symptoms?

While seasonal allergies don’t necessarily have a cure, you can manage your symptoms with some lifestyle changes and medication. When the pollen counts are the highest, consider staying indoors and keeping your windows shut temporarily. If you aren’t exposed to your triggers, you can’t have a large flare-up!

In addition, taking the right medication for your symptoms can help you control your allergies. This is where we can help! We can discuss your triggers and come up with the right OTC allergy medication that will help you best. We also suggest taking your medication daily or before you even go outside during this time of the year. Seasonal allergies may be inconvenient, but thankfully, they will go away as the pollen counts drop off in a few weeks.

OTC Allergy Medication Options

  • Antihistamines
  • Corticosteroid nasal sprays
  • Decongestants
  • Cromolyn sodium nasal sprays

Seasonal allergies can be frustrating! Let us help you feel better at AFC Urgent Care Arden.

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