What Should I Do If I Burn Myself While Cooking?

December 23, 2023

How Do I Treat Minor Kitchen Burns?

Trading takeout for more home-cooked meals in 2024? Stock up on local produce at Wicked Fresh Gardens or score deals at Aldi by Airport Rd. If you’re feeling adventurous or don’t know where to start, The Asheville Kitchen offers incredible cooking classes for beginners and seasoned cooks. No matter your experience level in the kitchen, remember that safety comes first! Set yourself up for success and get familiar with first aid and burn prevention tips so you can cook safely all year long.

Kitchen burns happen to the best of us. They sting, they scare, and they can make you avoid the kitchen altogether. It’s crucial to know how to handle those burns to prevent infection and blistering, especially if your little one gets burned. Refresh your memory on quick first aid procedures, prevention tips, and everything you need to deal with kitchen burns. If you’re worried about treating a minor burn, contact AFC Urgent Care Arden for help today.

Cool it Down

Act fast! Run the burn under cool (not icy) water for 10 minutes. This soothes the pain and stops the heat from doing more damage.

Check the Burn

Burns come in three grades. First-degree burns are mild (redness, pain). Second-degree burns blister and hurt more. Third-degree burns are deep and need immediate medical attention. Not sure? Play it safe and see a doctor.

Clean & Protect the Burn

Gently wash the burn with mild soap and water. No harsh chemicals or scrubbers! Then, cover it with a sterile bandage. Don’t burst blisters – they’re your body’s protective shield.

Soothe the Pain

Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help. Follow dosage instructions and check with your doctor if you have concerns.

When in Doubt, Get Help

If the burn is severe, covers a large area, or shows signs of infection (pain, redness, pus), don’t wait – get medical attention fast.

Prevent Kitchen Burns

Kitchen burns often occur as a result of simple oversights while multitasking or unconsciously moving through the motions of cooking at home. Stay alert to potential hazards that might lead to burns by following these prevention tips:

  • Oven mitts are your friend! Use them for sizzling pans on the stove and pulling things out of the oven.
  • Hot oil and boiling liquids can easily splatter onto your skin. Handle them with caution.
  • Keep children (and pets) at a safe distance from the cooking zone. If your little one wants to help, this is a great time to teach and practice extreme caution with these burn prevention tips.

By following these tips and staying focused in the kitchen, you can avoid most burns while cooking. But if you do get burned, don’t forget to practice these first aid procedures or get medical attention for large, severe burns. Happy cooking and stay safe!

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