Can I Have Strep Throat Without a Fever?

January 1, 2020

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 11,000 to 13,000 cases of strep throat are diagnosed among Americans in a given year. And while you might think a fever is a logical symptom of strep throat, not having one doesn’t mean you’re free and clear of strep. Our team at AFC Urgent Care South Charlotte wants you to know what signs to watch for when it comes to ...

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How Do You Feel When You Have High Blood Pressure?

December 16, 2019

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 75 million people living in the United States are living with high blood pressure. Unfortunately, many Americans might not even realize they have it, as high blood pressure can occur without any symptoms. Our team at AFC Urgent Care South Charlotte wants you to know what can cause high blood pressure, as well as ways you can help maintain a healthy blood pressure for years ...

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What Should I Do If I Get the Flu?

December 2, 2019

Up to 20% of Americans get the flu each year. While no one wants to get the flu, it’s an unfortunate reality. Our team at AFC Urgent Care South Charlotte wants you to know the symptoms to watch out for when it comes to the flu, as well as what you can do to treat the flu and recover as quickly as possible! How Do You Catch the Flu? The flu is an extremely ...

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How Can You Improve the Health of Your Skin?

November 2, 2019

Did you know? Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Yet it is probably one of the last organs we think about when we talk about our health. During Healthy Skin Month, our team at AFC Urgent Care of South Charlotte, NC wants you to know how to take better care of your skin! Why Is Your Skin Important? You might not think about it, but your skin is actually the first line ...

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Why Are State Officials Urging People to Get Flu Shots?

October 16, 2019

Tennessee state health officials, as well as those at the national level, are urging everyone to get a flu vaccine this fall. But why is that? Well, it’s pretty simple. The flu shot is your best defense against the flu—a common and extremely contagious illness that can have serious complications. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care South Charlotte provides some insight. Why Is It So Important to Get a Flu ...

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How Long Will I Be Infectious With the Flu?

October 2, 2019

Who wants to spend their fall or winter stuck at home with the flu? No one! But the reality is, up to 20% of Americans will be diagnosed with the flu this year. Our team at AFC Urgent Care South Charlotte wants you to be aware of the early signs of the flu, as well as how long you can expect to be sick with the flu virus. How Contagious Is the Flu? Believe it ...

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Why Is Asthma Worse in the Fall?

September 16, 2019

Asthma symptoms are only triggered during the spring and summer season when the humidity is at its highest, right? Not necessarily. Because viruses account for 80% of asthma attacks, the fall season can actually bring about a high number of asthma symptoms among Americans. That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care of South Charlotte wants to share some tips on keeping asthma symptoms at bay this fall. Can You Exercise If You Have ...

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How Long Does a Cold Last?

September 16, 2019

The weather is changing and it can only mean one thing—the runny nose and cough is about to begin. However, how do you know if it is a common cold that you are experiencing? Our team at AFC Urgent Care of Pinevill wants you to know how you can best protect yourself from a common cold, as well as when it is OK to exercise with a common cold and when you should rest ...

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Does Screen Time Affect Your Eyesight?

September 2, 2019

Do you spend a lot of time in front of the computer screen? Believe it or not, you could be affecting your eyes in a negative way. Our team at AFC Urgent Care of South Charlotte wants to share some ways you can protect your eyes from all that time in front of a screen—and boost your vision and eye health. What Does Too Much Screen Time Do to the Eyes? Nowadays, many of ...

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How Can I Prevent Acne?

August 2, 2019

Are you dealing with acne? You are not alone! In fact, most Americans deal with acne outbreaks at some point in their lives. Our team at AFC Urgent Care of South Charlotte wants to offer you tips on how you can both prevent acne as well as treat acne with medication, if needed. Read on as we take a look: Can Too Much Stress Cause Acne? In short—yes! Too much stress, particularly when it ...

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